Duke of Vandalz

It's funny. I didn't even know there was a different version of Payback until a friend showed it to me this weekend. It just was not fun. Give me the blue version any day of the week.

It's funny. I didn't even know there was a different version of Payback until a friend showed it to me this weekend. It just was not fun. Give me the blue version any day of the week.

When are the Millennium/X-files reviews starting up again?

I was there. The show was fantastic live as was their individual and smaller panels. I'd elaborate more but it will be buried so hopefully I get to the party early enough next week.

I am going to a convention in Calgary this weekend. The original nine TNG crew members will be there. This will be the first time they have all been in the same room at a con in over 25 years. I fucking pumped for it.

I have a friend who is a radio producer/editor so something and was in a band so he knew a thing or two about music. Anyway we are both huge Metallica fans but couldn't stand St. Anger when it came out. He did some magical editing and remixed the album by taking out extraneous and repeated riffs and shit,

Speaking of Comic Con, is anybody here going this year?

I love Starship Mine.

I recently started playing the Mass Effect series and last night I had a dream that I actually went to my first day at GreenDale. I befriended Troy and Abed and then seduced Britta using the conversation wheel from ME.

How do you make a child cry twice?

Not a dead baby joke but the most offensively funny joke I tell on a regular basis.



I could use a horse blanket.

Good question. Troi has not aged well and I am not sure what Bev or Tasha look like these days, so I decided that I am going to team up with Riker and "Eiffel Tower" the cheerleader from Heroes while a nude Starbuck smokes a cigar silently in the background.

You caught me…

Also in attendance; Jayne (Firefly), Shane/Andrea (Walking Dead), Stan Lee, Spike (Buffy), Walter/Astrid (Fringe), Starbuck (BSG), Adam West, and a bunch others.

I don't want to brag or anything but in April I am going to a Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con. In attendance will be the entire crew of TNG; Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Yar, Geordi, Troi, Beverly and Wesley Crusher. It is supposedly the first time they have all gathered at the same convention. It is in Calgary, Alberta. Anyone else


I had a friend that banged Tricia Helfer.