
Yeah, Lane standing in front of that perspective-bending paining in Roger's office sure looked like a shot of him falling toward the ground.

Yeah, Lane standing in front of that perspective-bending paining in Roger's office sure looked like a shot of him falling toward the ground.

Not so worried… just… he kind of ran off a few eps ago. Seems weird, but has been a while since I read the books.

Not so worried… just… he kind of ran off a few eps ago. Seems weird, but has been a while since I read the books.

Where's Ghost?

Where's Ghost?

I don't even care about this show attempting to gain new viewers next season. It's at its best when the show is off-the-rails of sense. I say GO FOR IT.

I don't even care about this show attempting to gain new viewers next season. It's at its best when the show is off-the-rails of sense. I say GO FOR IT.

The Tyrion/Littlefinger thing is a remarkable detail, since that arc doesn't close until the end of book 3. Nice work, guys.

Did it feel to anyone else that Bran's wolf dream was tinted a bit green? A nod to the missing Reeds?

Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. Almost certainly something got pulled between the shows.


Pierce's face during "Baby Boomer Santa" = highlight of the season so far.