
finally, someone I can agree with on ben stiller. He's the worst part of every movie he is in. except for tony wonder of course…..

finally, someone I can agree with on ben stiller. He's the worst part of every movie he is in. except for tony wonder of course…..

one problem I have in general with rating ads is that in the end, the only thing that matters is whether or not they are effective in getting people to buy the product in question. One's subjective response to how cool, fun, playful, etc they are would , it seems to me, to be quite besides the point to the players and

one problem I have in general with rating ads is that in the end, the only thing that matters is whether or not they are effective in getting people to buy the product in question. One's subjective response to how cool, fun, playful, etc they are would , it seems to me, to be quite besides the point to the players and

well at least people are reading? ….i know, lame…
but a lot of my friends say that it has got their wives really horny- so how can it be bad?

well at least people are reading? ….i know, lame…
but a lot of my friends say that it has got their wives really horny- so how can it be bad?

I was a teen around the disco era and I owned a disco sucks t-shirt, partly cos i thought it was funny, but mostly because for a young dude discovering the beatles and the stones et al, it was sad to be drowned in disco when just ten years earlier amazing music was being made- I felt totally ripped off.

I was a teen around the disco era and I owned a disco sucks t-shirt, partly cos i thought it was funny, but mostly because for a young dude discovering the beatles and the stones et al, it was sad to be drowned in disco when just ten years earlier amazing music was being made- I felt totally ripped off.

worst review ever! 
I thought the ending was touching- but more to the point, your complaints are ridiculous, the show was always a procedural and of course all of House's crisis's were averted and he didn't change- the larger story arcs were never the point of the show, they were just window dressing. the point of the

worst review ever! 
I thought the ending was touching- but more to the point, your complaints are ridiculous, the show was always a procedural and of course all of House's crisis's were averted and he didn't change- the larger story arcs were never the point of the show, they were just window dressing. the point of the

ya, what is it with kristin wiig? I really really suspect that she was sleeping with Lorne Michaels. How else can you explain things like the sendoff, the huge amount of air time for awful charactors, the near suppression of all the other females? He is an older nerdy guy- she's a fairly hot young chick sad to say but

ya, what is it with kristin wiig? I really really suspect that she was sleeping with Lorne Michaels. How else can you explain things like the sendoff, the huge amount of air time for awful charactors, the near suppression of all the other females? He is an older nerdy guy- she's a fairly hot young chick sad to say but

that is not a good thing….

that is not a good thing….

Rushdie has the right to preach- his work is way more sophisticated and interesting than some tolkien rip off- satanic verses, Shame, great books…. i bow down
but entourage? hmm iffy… lol

There were no bad episodes of the Sopranos!!

try way harder- that lucinda album was amazing- just so deep. yes sort of basic and rootsy and bluesy, but the unanalyzable thing about great work is what separates perfunctory stuff from great stuff- my first listen to it i didnt quite get it either, but then i couldnt stop listening to it.

i had issues myself, the primary one being that it would be so hard to live ip to "in the loop" but it's just as if it's a continuation of it : " in the loop", the series- but after the first two episodes, which I thought were interesting but not great, this one was great.

The only real problem with porn is that you ultimately become desensitized to it. The secondary problem is that you start to expect that the average woman will be as good in bed as a porn star, only to learn that real women can be awfully prudish….. and that can be disappointing. So it's better just to be disatisfied

I totally agree with this assessment. Tina Fey's whole stchichk as the nerdy chick has always been tired, and her wit is really more just about cleverness than about real laughs- It's like looking at someone whom you know is supposed to be funny , but just isnt. and as a nerdy guy i should relate to her and all, but I