
did anyone actually see bridesmaids? It totally sucked. yet another kristen wiig disaster. and furthermore, who told judd apatow that he was funny? Ive been disappointed by practically every movie he's been tied too. Surely what jerry lewis meant to say was that Judd apatow isn't funny.
    And as for girls

Ive been dissapointed by so many great bands that I'm barely into seeing anyone live anymore in the first place. I also , like many of the posters here, am not into crowds, high prices, etc, plus, you cant even really get away with smoking a joint anymore because of anti smoking rules.
let's see I saw steely dan last

ya, closing time sucks and so does the future- it  was a huge let down after im your man .

im really not into cale's version at all- and when buckley came out with his version, it was still an obscure cohen song- cohen's version is obviously the best- but what really popularized it was shrek and american idol- the weird thing is that for all the super popularity of it now, how many of those idol fans ever

american and canadian treatment of natives has been about equal so cant really rely on that comment as a slam

i would like to say that i think canadians are like stealth americans - we have the best of america but with just enough distance for us to have a much funnier take on everything- but ya as soon as we get famous its off to LA- with the exception of cohen who at least keeps an apartment in montreal-

great ee cummings riffs!

Hey everybody, this is my first ever comment on the AV website and I have to say that I almost like the comments better than the actual articles, so I hope I can live up to the high standards of general asshole-ism that I've enjoyed so much over the decades!
So, anyway, here's my comment, which unfortunately is