
I have learned so much about junk food from this whole thread.

Gosh… I had half an idea that it was something make-believe invented by TV reviewers and the people who make NBC's commercials.

"a whole bunch of crazy-flavored Doritos went bad"

You guys!  Two of my coworkers are actually talking about Smash!  Some people actually watch that show!

He was all, "No, Mom, I will not put that on, GOD.  I'm a REBEL, okay?"

I'm curious to know what those horrific stories are.  I've been around horses for the past 20 years and in that time the deaths I've known have been 3 horses to die of old age, and one who was struck by lightning (which is indeed fucked up).


Well then.  I will now go see John Carter out of spite (and also because it looks pretty cool.  But largely spite).

I love that the guy who threw up at the Party Down company picnic and the Dean of Greendale are Oscar winners.

Big McLargehuge

Wow.  This is only the second episode I've seen (after last week's), and if you're telling me it's the weakest of this season's first five episodes, I am very glad I started watching, because this was hilarious.

Darn.  I was expecting Amber to be her own mother or something.

I'm mildly disturbed that the only Italian word out of all of that that I knew was "puttana."

I'm a little late to the "watched for the first time" party, but wanted Cougar Town fans to know new people showed up!

I decided to myself that Raylan came to a little earlier, but was acting as if he was still out so that he could get his bearings or, you know, shoot someone who was about to shoot him.  I don't really have any backup for that, but it made me happy.

Okay, I can guess I can see Carefree being hilarious/creepy.

I love Astaire and Rogers, but Carefree is terrible/creepy.

Also Richard Speight (Skip Muck) was in a couple episodes last season.

Seriously.  O'Neal deserves medals.

You know, fuck The Big Bang Theory.  I have Asperger's, and I feel like that show is mocking me.  It's 30 minutes of "Haha, look how inhuman and laughable we find your entire brain!"