
I saw some group do FOTC's Cello Tape. It was great in spite of the 5 virgins singing it.


Ds9 vs. Babylon 5 vs. Space Rangers

I recall Krippendorf's Tribe's TV spots promised Elfman nudity. Which seems odd since it was PG or PG-13.

Frailty equals good demented southern fun.

I thought Amelie would have more of a "making groceries" accent. She has such a pretty, pretty voice.

I saw a screen test for Transformers and Megan Fox actual looked human. Pretty, alive eyes and an animated face. Oh, and she had eyebrows, not that shit that got tattooed on her forehead instead.

The AV Club break room is closer to the core of the Earth so gravity has a greater pull on their scale.

"I have a joke…"
That's not a joke. That's a claim that he hates his kids. Or did she have a racist joke that she didn't get to?

You May Already Be a Winner, Ed

Amelie looks like a younger version of my aunt. They are both from New Orleans so I imagine they have the same accent (N.O. accent sounds more New York than cajun). That's a boner killer.

Gozer's my gardener

Jesus don't cry, you can rely on, honey.

Pootie Tang is my damie.

I also got the copy of The Stand with a free summer time flu (with a cover featuring the miniseries).

The Shining book finished strong after dragging ass for so damn long. At least it felt slow and unimpressive compared to the movie.

This is how they make Gleemonex, right?

When I least expect it… is this set during The Holocaust?

Fuck the World would be an awesome name for a rocket leaving Earth behind.

Little Shop of Horrors. Now that is a great performance in a movie filled with fantastic shit.