Barbra Streisand Overdrive

People have used comedy to cope with grief for some time now.

"I did this for my family! Particularly, my daughter Ivanka who I would never have sex with but, oof, that's gotta be tight!"

As God put the storm in front of the Saint to delay him in the comic, I think he set that family out in front of him on this show. Something about that kid got under the Saint's skin and he wanted to protect him. God might be a bigger asshole in this version if he actually tricks the Saint into trying to do the right…

So what musical are we talking about here? Did you miss your shot at Hamilton or dodge a bullet with some shitty Rent adaptation? I can't properly evaluate your ice cream selection without more info.

I was hell-bent on hating this movie after seeing the trailer - and I only watched it as a hostage - but it won me over in a big way. One of the few films that exceeded my expectations.

Whoa, whoa, waitasecond… Whose arm is that emerging from the bottom frame of this photo? There is either a fourth person in bed with them or this guy has an armcock. Spoiler alert?