No love for Dancing at Lughnasta?
No love for Dancing at Lughnasta?
Let us just say that he is not going to be inventing a particle accelerator anytime soon, and leave it at that.
The best date I ever had was going to see "Audition" with a friend.
Close, I laid my eggs inside his chest, and then made him give live birth, forcing him to be the only male that gives birth to young.
I was living with this guy for a while and he took me to see a movie that he had been excited to see, "Wild, Wild, West" We had seen the trailer,(where Cowboy Will Smith does Cowboy heroics), seen the poster (with Cowboy Will Smith, Cowboy Kevin Kline and Cowboy font spelling out "Wild, Wild, West), and seen the music…
That headline is revealed to be about Robert Redford, like five panels later. We don't know much about how he is in the Watchmen universe but irl he ain't Reagan.
"Also, the woman that most of the government knows Dr. Manhattan was fucking and her new boyfriend, no one's gonna want to question them. The evil mastermind behind the whole shebang is going to be fine just letting them go carrying out illegal activities in public. All she needs is a wig."
Cad Bane from The Clone Wars Show
He's Boba Fett if Boba Fett actually did something to deserve his reputation.
One of the main reasons I'm reading the series is I want to see if Littlefinger puts on the medieval equivalent of a tracksuit and starts literally running circles around the other characters.
She had her complexity too. Like
Mine too.
Gaius Baltar
Petyr Baelish
Herbert West (as played by Jeffery Combs)
Cad Bane
Lex Luthor
I have terrible taste in fictional men.
OH MY YES! Draco can't hold a candle to that Pepto Bismol bitch.
Yeah, I feel about the same way. And when It comes down to it, he does care about his men, like when he talked to McNulty about Kima getting shot. The one I can't stand is Burrell.
The complete and utter silence of the crowd moving around the grounds is what got to me. Totally unnatural and creepy.
I'll see you Cleo Laine's freaky puppets and raise you Crystal Gale's Horrific, Writhing Hell-Spirits…
Of those three, Helga's probably the one I wished hadn't faded. Her puppeteer left the show though, didn't she?
Boris Karloff's Thriller!
It'll be a bit of a slog for the first few episodes, but so, so worth it.
It's not. There is one scene in the film with some tension, but most of it is a slog. Bad CGI rocks just aren't fun in the way a foam rubber rock or a guy in a rock suit would be.
Nope. They do try to distract from that by implying that the evil rocks might be on earth right now. OOooooooOOOO