
You are my Sunshine.

Does that mean they're finally releasing Season Four?

I'm proud of your nephew and I'm a total stranger.
This is one of my favorite episodes, not just because Uncle Deadly is my favorite muppet but because Vincent Price is amazing. My Father in law was lucky enough to have met him while working at an airport once. He said he was incredibly charming and a great tipper too.

We could all use a friend.

Fennecs  all the way!

"Hey Guys! Chuck's hungry!"

Quick question: I'm going to go see my two year old niece this christmas and I want to bring over Fraggle Rock for her to watch, since I got her a stuffed Red Fraggle as one of her gifts. Is she old enough for it? I remember it being the first tv show that I loved loved loved as a child, but am unsure how old I was at

The Carol of the Bells terrified me as a child. I was convinced the conductor was a Devil, and the song was creepy. Now it's my favorite too.

No, Emmett Otter.

Nope. That's who I met. Thank you for correcting my spelling error.

Just as weird to OMG LOVE it. It doesn't ruin it for me. It just doesn't work for me.

I just found no chemistry between them. Batman's cynicism and darkness in contrast to her brightness and faith never came off as a an opposites attract so much as an insurmountable obstacle, especially when you add in how self-righteous and stubborn both of them are. I really think the only thing Diana has going for

Ugh, I can't stand the Batman/Wonder Woman romance at all. It was one of the few things that didn't work, and making Batman into Buster Bluth in order to sell it ain't helping.

Pan's Caberet

Look for him across one of the windshields!