Heavy Metal Thunder


To a point, I agree. My fear is that the West lacks the mettle to endure these attacks in the way you're suggesting. Now, I've never been tested personally, but it seems to me that people need to get a lot tougher and a lot more serious about this issue before it even has a chance of being resolved.

How the hell did you Google "One Finger Dead or Alive?" and live to tell about it?

The still above and text treatment makes it look like a video game trailer, not a likely blockbuster film.

Everyone who replies to this is gonna get hacked.
(Join me in the hills!)

They were speaking some kind of language. I think it was … space aaaaaaasian!

I really REALLY don't like the soft old De Niro.
Ditto for Tom Selleck as a grumpy old man on Blue Bloods - which is terrible already.

I absolutely love this song. I think the lyrics are actually meaningful and the arrangement is top-notch. I miss Oasis. I also miss being in my late teens/early 20's.

This is the shittiest trailer for a standup show ever made.

Oh nonsense! Now please put on this Edwardian period costume before attending our next convert.

I'm stealing every word of this. Even though I live in MN.

I'm hoping for a "destination funeral" as one final middle finger to everyone I've ever cared about.

Sad Arcade Fire guy is a meme waiting to be born.
(Full disclosure: I really don't care for Arcade Fire.)

Alfred E. Newman as Barabbas!

Speak for yourselves, losers. Prom King 1996 here and in telling you, I… I've… I've peaked and everything since that night has been a let down.

I think Billy Eichner handled it best:

My freshman year I had two roommates in half of a suite. Roommate A and I moved in about 3 nights before Roommate B arrived. RA was reasonable and a Jr., so good fun and a good guide to have around.

I seem to be in the minority here, but I think this show needs to step on the gas pedal. I've read the books and so maybe I'm biased in favor of what's to come, but every episode so far feels like nothing has happened. I know this isn't accurate, but the pacing on this show just kills me.

I tried to make a Shepard the looked like me. I spent almost two hours tweaking the look, then once I saw him in gameplay, he looked like a black Colin Hanks. (Which I most certainly do not.)

Meaning no offense, I'm always surprised by how many children were willfully exposed to The Exorcist by their parents. Can you place that in the context of their overall parenting style or philosophy? I'm just curious.