Heavy Metal Thunder

This news about the Higs Bosun should set things straight. I wouldn't worry about his stats much longer.

Even if I eventually ended up on the wrong side of history, I would love to be a part of the loud, fruit-throwing crowd if they ever held Portland Hipster Trials.

Even if I eventually ended up on the wrong side of history, I would love to be a part of the loud, fruit-throwing crowd if they ever held Portland Hipster Trials.

My favorite part of that story is that you described your change as a "bounce".

My favorite part of that story is that you described your change as a "bounce".

Marry me!

Marry me!

The Wilhelm Scream in the battle of Helm's Deep during The Two Towers was the most jarring occurrence I can think of. I was a superfan of the books, loved the movies on their own terms, and thought to myself, "You're better than that, Peter Jackson" when I heard it.

The Wilhelm Scream in the battle of Helm's Deep during The Two Towers was the most jarring occurrence I can think of. I was a superfan of the books, loved the movies on their own terms, and thought to myself, "You're better than that, Peter Jackson" when I heard it.

Sex & the City, Men in Trees, and Desperate Housewives are my three worst offenders. It's so bad that it makes me think less of their viewing demographic. And I don't want to be a chauvinist! I don't!

Sex & the City, Men in Trees, and Desperate Housewives are my three worst offenders. It's so bad that it makes me think less of their viewing demographic. And I don't want to be a chauvinist! I don't!

There is a dramatic sound that I can only describe as "Mechanical strings" that EVERY reality competition uses these days. Usually just before cutting to commercial during a tense moment. I don't know what the origin is, but I recognize it from the main menu of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (the original).

There is a dramatic sound that I can only describe as "Mechanical strings" that EVERY reality competition uses these days. Usually just before cutting to commercial during a tense moment. I don't know what the origin is, but I recognize it from the main menu of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (the original).

Are they still showing "Working" with Fred Savage?

Are they still showing "Working" with Fred Savage?

Agreed. I doubt many women could resist. Hell, I'm a guy and I'd try for it just to say I did.

Agreed. I doubt many women could resist. Hell, I'm a guy and I'd try for it just to say I did.

Agreed. Lauer, he acts like he's "above" the Today show. The rest of the cast does a great job of lightweight AM news reading and entertainment. And they seem to genuinely enjoy being there. Lauer, on the other hand, acts like being the star of the freaking TODAY SHOW was a career mistake. Get over yourself, man.

Agreed. Lauer, he acts like he's "above" the Today show. The rest of the cast does a great job of lightweight AM news reading and entertainment. And they seem to genuinely enjoy being there. Lauer, on the other hand, acts like being the star of the freaking TODAY SHOW was a career mistake. Get over yourself, man.

I agree strongly with the first portion of this comment. The second is your own business, but I'm not bothered by it.