Go Ask Dock Ellis

In a bizarro twist, the cops that are overtly sinister and dickish are played by black men. Seems like an almost self-aware flip on Lee's part to have the put-upon, white drug dealer being threatened by ruthless black cops.

The order should have been reversed, with the Death Proof slow-boiler, then the trailers, then the Planet Terror viscera/laugh fest.

Easy Rider, Vanishing Point, The Limey

I'm so excited…for my mom.


Jenny Lewis in The Wizard. Imagine my surprise when, after listing to Rabbit Fur Coat for the 8,000th time, I finally realized she was THAT Jenny Lewis. The crush continues…

I Ain't Nuthin' but a Car Thief….
that must be stopped stopped stopped stopped stopped stopped stopped.

well, the did cover Any Major Dude…didn't you see Me, Myself and Irene? Or have you had that mentally scrubbed?

The Only Point in Which this Episode Let Me Down
Don't get me wrong, this is possibly my favorite episode of the entire series so far.

But where is Skinny Pete?
Some say late at night, you can hear him grinding his teeth in the desert.

Yeah. This is one of those films where the review will in no way sway me from seeing it.

Hospital Montage from Harold and Maude
Every. Single. Time

Favorite book I own. My highschool in Kansas threw it away because of it's dealings with evolution. A friend rescued it and gifted it to me. The front cover includes a stamp with the name of my school, then a giant, red DISCARD stamp just below.

Mad-Libs Dialogue
Lady: "What are you doing in my bathroom?"

Exactly, Kyle. A case of hard-won method acting, or Wiggins' actual awkwardness? Either way, brilliant casting. Side-note: Wiggins is in an Austin band called the Diagonals. My appraisal of the actual music is skewed by my excitement at a band lineup including Wiley Wiggins: Keyboard.

Twee Hatin'
The whole twee movement wouldn't irk me so much if it didn't seem like so many purveyors and patrons of twee were bitter, cynical assholes. It's like going into Lou Reed's bedroom only to find Hanson posters and Tart N' Tinys. While am hatin' I might as well say that for better or worse, my adolescence