Harry Lime

Evelyn Quince!!!!!!!!!

Ignoreland from Automatic for the People. Dumb song that doesn't fit the album's style.

I've always liked this song too. I say him play it with Booker T and the MGs, and it rocked. So you never know.

The album "Frantic" from a couple of years back is pretty good—a little closer to The Bride Stripped Bare than Boys and Girls, and it had a couple of good Dylan covers. And the last song is a co-write with Eno. Check it out if you get the chance.

People speak my name in whispers. What higher praise can there be?

But when will Desmond return? I miss him and his brotherly ways.

It Got Me
I didn't see that last bit coming, so I was a bit shocked. Guess I need to scroll down further in the comments section.

God, what a mess on the ladder of success
Where you take one step and miss the whole first rung
Dreams unfulfilled, graduate unskilled
It beats picking cotton and waiting to be forgotten
-Bastards of Young

Where's The Wind?
Warren Zevon's last album, made while he was dying of cancer. It's a heartbreaker and a fitting final chapter to his canon.

Seriously, Ferguson owns Late Night. Conversations with guests, great monologues, and a spot-on Michael Caine imitation. Huzzah!

The Byrds
That's a pretty cool clip you've embedded there. I dig that country sound.

Paradise and Lunch for sure. For older albums, I've always been fond of Boomer's Story and Bop Till You Drop. Chaves Ravine is great too, as is My Name Is Buddy.

American Movie Is
Sad and hilarious and highly recommended.

Back when I was a high-school lad in the late 70s, ELO were about the biggest band around, and I couldn't stand them. Radio overplay, big sound, adoration from the jocks in school—none of it was for me. I had discovered Armed Forces (enticed by the offer of a free single, "Live at Hollywood High) inside), and that was