
There's still a lot of sitcom to it, but there's a lot of episodes that give you the classic feeling.

This site often has reviewers that arent really appreciative of the whole offerings of a show. I dont like Family Guy but even I noticed how he rated episodes for "having joke machine characters and offensive humour" even though that's the point.

Interestingly, I watched episodes on and off but jumped back into the show right after that one, with Elieen Flat Screen, which was freaking great. I loved Margret leaving because it forced the writers to do more with Elieen outside her friendship with her and now Elieen is the best character.

Or right! I completely forgot about that episode.

Oh yeah, there's that, sort of.

Well, I can see how everyone hated the "Mordecai's girl problems show" but I didnt mind, because the show likes spending a lot of time developing one person rather than dragging out a plot over a few seasons like AT. And I was ok with it. It was much better than the 50 episodes they spent on Muscle Man and Starla.

It really will become the new King of the Hill.

The birthday part was the best though

I think it adds to it. It's crazy how he happened to be in every armed force in the past.

So either Super Mario Bros, or Mario 64. Maybe Super Mario Galaxy

I'm just here to say I'm happy that someone else knows the Tactics series is so much better than everything else Final Fantasy

It wasnt too defined, but I feel it gradually went to and then stayed at all 3 for a while before becoming the hodge podge it is now. I dont think I have anything else to say on that that you or me didnt already.

Well she isnt completely wussified, just more than before.

I think that Fox gave BB to adult Swim and Simpsons to FX just so they can make enough rerun money to keep the shows going without caring too much about the ratings on Sundays.

They already have, actually

Something about too many tv channels and people not wanting to watch Live anymore, right?

Nobody looked any different so I'm assuming so. We only know because the year changes and Farnsworth went from 160 in the Fountain of Youth episode to almost 170 in the mind switching episode.

I dunno, everyone seems to call anyone who doesn't like Melissa an MRA for some reason, which is odd

I was wondering what that Tang line was about in Deep Space Homer

That's how I describe it too!