
A comedy joke that stands on it's own but is enrichened by knowing the parody? That's fairly standard humour. It'sad that the person died, but besides that how is it different from any other joke of it's kind? I dont even remember it being poorly received at all when reading the review of the episode.

I honestly never considered it was anything other than the girls doing it to each other before these comments

I understand you

Hit a wall around the 7th temple, myself. Felt proud for lasting so long though. Then played Seasons and got stuck at the 3rd temple or some shit.

Comedy shows that make comedy jokes about people. Man, what will 2015 think of next!

I just write down Futurama by default

So these fans know how it feels to just no longer be in the "Waiting for Episodes" lot.

Steve imagining his entrance was perfection

I actually need to watch seasons 1 and 2 and bits of seasons 5 and 6 myself

But you missed so much good stuff!


Thanks. I noticed it while paying attention to the criticism. And seeing that some people on No Homers absolutely hated A Totally Fun Thing, which I find completely insane.

That was the end tag.

It's like over the years, the show hasnt gotten worse, just polarizing.

I used to be on thier side, then against them, and then realised it's much better to ignore it all and be annoyed by my friends that dont. A big chunk of my online friends are always sharing from Exposing Feminism and another big chunk shares from Exposing MRA's and any good point that is made is lost in angry

They've been using generators i believe Probably could find solar panels too, especially if this is 2020.

I dunno if Sheldon is supposed to be likable, but I feel you.

I was wondering when that thought would come up. Even though he didnt go through with it, it was a good acknowledgement.

It really isnt impossible for there to be people who are for social justice but are also incredibly hypocritical.

Man that was a good theme song.