
Mostly Harmless? A few people did find it to be the weakest. I guess even him, I suppose, since he wanted to write a new book.

Oh I dont have a problem with it at all, there's a lot to accept in The Simpsons in general. I was just curious.

It's hilarious that's the thing everyone is singling out as what makes the episode better. Could it be that Liz is more mature than Josh? Or that this happened for only one episode, allowing them to put all thier jokes into it rather than spread it out for a season? Or Josh learning stuff Liz likely knows already?

She's one of the few people who show up regularly, in a show with changing characters each episode.

The one thing that annoys me is that it's so unclear whether it's a direct sequel or not based on some conflicting stuff. that and I didnt like that Zombie millhouse stayed at the end.

Yep, checked Wikipedia, he co-wrote the screenplay.

The preview actually shows that Carol asks him to get busy with Mellissa.

It's like people are trying to project some "this is why hollywood sucks" thing unto the show, and I just cant see it at all. She's jsut seen as wierd.

I entered the franchise through the movie, so similarly to me liking all The Simpsons because I entered through season 20, I love all of H2G2 by entering through the movie.

A Totally fun Thing was about season 22 and the first cruise ship vacation episode, I think.

I really enjoyed the Fracking one, the church one and the relationship cruise as well. I enjoyed pretty much 80% of this season as more than "bland" myself. But I'm more optimistic than people here.

I can't understand the hate Days of Future Future gets. Not as good, but pretty good.

As a Hitchhikers fan, it's funny seeing people hate the movie for being different to the book when the books were different than the radio show

I still haven't seen that one yet, though that was funny.

I do admit that it was a weaker effort of this season, even for the endlessly optimistic me. The Lisa gag and the Marge ironing gag will stay with me, but probably not much else.

Has the Simpsons ever explained what happens to his job at the Power Plant during "Homer's new job" episodes? Even in the earlier seasons.

That's definitely a part of it though.

This season has been fine. it's weird that a few weeks after people saying the season is good it's suddenly mediocre again. It's like the opinion of the season is only coloured by the most recent episode.

I'd actually love that.

I loved the Seymour joke because the humour for me is seeing people flip over it.