Doctor Krieger

BEARD! FUCK YEAH! Looks good on you; you southern gentleman.

Hey AVClub don't be like the rest of indifferent news media…..show a little bit of heart.

Totally agree! That was one part of his charm.

Yes. I felt that already after the "2nd Live-Phish Episode". It had kind of a somber feeling to it. He talked about his drug problems and why he was a little bit off in the clips.

Just heartbreaking. I couldn't compute the words for a moment… still doesn't feel real.

Yes! Wrestling kind of "finhished" it's popularity in germany around the time those two came up. But I somehow still remember them.

He was glorious!

Argh…. I can't hate this movie. Still, I can see, how it is terrible and can be hated.

Yay! So happy they mentioned that great episode. The Stone Cold Steve Austin bit destroyed me.

Great Episode! I didn't knew the movie before, so I could understand how Eric felt.

Holy shit…..just holy shit. I grew up with his movies. In my early 30s and AVC mode I laughed at him for his typical stick in his movies, but I could never not like that guy!

I can't fight anymore since they did the podcrawl episodes. They should cooperate more often.

I was quiet upset about this, too. Then I listened to the Dead Authors Podcast and Revolutions. Not saying one is better than the other, but they are also not covered.
Still, voted for it. It got 2nd place if I remember correctly…. so what the hell?

I know their impressions are sometimes poor in the "similar voice part", but I think they are pretty good in getting the essence of the character/joke. So Episodes with Brimley, Belushi or Cane are always a treat. Kill Crazy or The Skulls are still on my player because of that… and holy shit….the William Peterson

Yep, I really liked him in Shattered Glass, too. He is not the one to blame for the shitty prequels. Of course he was bad in them, but who wasn't!? Ok, not McDiarmid…. that guy had so much fun.

That reaction was just fantastic…..and GODDAMMMIT Disqus with your city slickin' account stuff!

Somewhere Zach Galifianakis is staring into a mirror wishing to be THE Wookie.


I felt the same….. suddenly "Peter Falk"! Great!

I like him, too. But I also always like the annoying people on that show (minus Jeff….don't get him)