Doctor Krieger

Impotent raging and noob shitposting

Ohhhh maybe they are not as good as the other ones? NO? SEXIST? WTF? This is Ghostbusters 2016 all over. It's shit. It's done by women so it has to be good.

Why not? I wrote basically the same. I think 1rst week 2nd place / 2nd week 5th place with a gain of 128 million, including some international openings, is fucking terrible for a movie with a 144 million production cost (which needs 500 mill. as the director himself said). Every week from now, all gains get a lower

He still is right though.

You don't tell somebody you have a gun and then make a movement for your wallet. Keep your hands visible and follow the instructions.

Oh yes! The comments section / forum was a complete mess. The Earwolf forums are full of great people. It's like an AV-Club Classic board. I've never understood why they didn't use that userbase in the first place.

Oh boy, I've been binging on "Last Podcast on the Left" for some days/weeks. It was the OJ Podcast which brought them to my attention. When I started listening I didn't "get" them first. I found them entertaining but sometimes rather rude/bro'y. I'm glad I stayed. It makes the 2nd relistening to their stuff so much

Clickbait worked again. Don't you tell me how to programm my virtual girlfriend!

"Cis white male should check their privilege; keeps oppressing trans-lesbian-otherkin!"

Oh please……….yes!

Search your feelings. You know it to be true!

I thought it was ok. That means it goes to the win side for Star Trek Movies. You'll have to remember what came before….*Generations* *Insurrection* *Nemesis* ….. *shudder* Unworthy of the TNG crew.

Yeah, those Jazz guest episodes where terrible.

Argh. Don't know if I wasn't in the mood, or that my problem was, that I like the movie, as a perfect sunday afternoon hangover movie. I have to listen to it again.
Maybe my enjoyment suffers, because movies like "The Core" or "Face Off" wish they would be taken seriously. This Movie feels like a serviceable fun

I've read about this case on the german news. It's interesting. I try to go into this like "Fargo Season 2". Different story, different actors, same great story telling. I really liked the first episode of Season two. Let's see where this is going.

Heh! Now there is.

Hey A.V. Club … first: go to hell for your page design. You are screwing with my Firefox.

May I draw a Pentagram on your head?

Yep. I will catch up with the podcast, but Myras "hey I buy this and this and sell that Bond stuff on ebay" is just bad listening. He seems like a fan who rates fandom by how much Bond paraphernalia he has. Matt Gourley seems (in general to be a great human beeing and) to be more interested to just talk about Bond.

Yes! Also, Christian Bale would be great as Bond.