Its OK With Me

This is so real. I talk about everybody here to my close friends (surprisingly acquaintances are not receptive to hear about my experience on a pop-culture website) and it's just kind of understood that everyone here is like a part of my life in some bizarre way


Dubya 2: Freedom vs Terrorsaurus Rex

Bootlegging and zebra pool parties

"My god, it's full of stars!" - Harvey Weinstein on Ocean's 13

God bless Harvey Weinstein. That is form matching function if I've ever seen it.

Only Watch Naked?

9 and three quarters, in a magical world threatened by he who shall not be named (Chuck Lorre)

I'm sorry the correct answer was "What causes someone to relapse?"

Zhe son has become zhe father

He seems to be doing that 20s thing.

lol k

In a general kinda way

Something something implication

Yeah but he's always naked when he does it

Frong Banco

I named my bong James Franco guys. Ok

Party Down was more satisfying, especially the after credits bit, but this was still great

@avclub-d9788dca1673b499692fc7ab062e283f:disqus I would agree that his rapping his rapping is less than stellar, but occasionally he's fantastic, I suppose I'm more into the what he communicates than how, and he is able to blend the best of pop music while advancing it into a far more complex territory lyrically

I respectfully disagree. I believe he's incredibly talented. But I do think the gulf between his petulant persona and the mature, complex (albeit similarly reactionary and at times unfortunately misogynistic) art he makes is a bit maddening. I can't seriously defend Ye as person, but the man knows what's up musically