
I remember her best from The Tubes video.

My god, he's totally right!

Well, now, that's a darned good thought.

I'll have a whiskey on the minerals.

And it's not even 'devil horns'. Dio stated in his 'Behind the Music' episode that the sign came from his Italian granny who said it was to ward off evil. Or the evil eye. Or something like that.

Exactly! Freak Show was boring. Nonsensical I can deal with. Silly and over the top plots are expected. Out there characters who do and say things that no rational human being would say or do are most welcome. Freak Show committed the grievous sin of boring me on a weekly basis.

Didn't care for the massacre scene at all. I thought Dandy deserved much better. I did, however, like how he died. Him floating in the tank was the high point in yet another disappointing episode.

I recently rewatched it and enjoyed it much more the second time. It is better than Freak Show but not as great as Murder House season or Asylum.

The 1980's Flash Gordon ended with "To Be Continued…?" which thrilled me to no end. I'm still waiting…

Needs more Dandy.

Can't fade to black as an ending since that will make most of us recall a far, far superior show.

High-fiving because the nightmare is over!

Since this was the last episode I thought I should try watching it. So I fast-forwarded until I saw Sutter talking then realized I missed Jax's death which was the ONLY thing I was curious about. I was not disappointed by the death scene in it's pompous glory. The icing on the cake was the Shakespeare quote at the

Katey Sagal singing Knocking on Heaven's Door for at least five minutes.

Usually I hate spoilers but since my only exposure to this show is limited to reading recaps, I'm tempted to google and find out what happens. Nah…that would imply I actually care! Which is sad because I once thought this was a fine show.

The tar and feathering was a big mistake. Something else taken from the vastly superior Carnivale.

I'm over 40 and thought the scene was dull and a waste of good talent.

I'm in total agreement about the Bates/Lange scene. I'm watching it, thinking that 'this really should be great' but it's not. It's not bad, just extremely boring. Boring is the worst thing that could happen to AHS and this season has excelled at boring me. Except Dandy and Gloria.

And white slacks. I've never used the word 'slacks' for pants but those gorgeous white billowy trousers that Dandy wears are total slacks!

Best thing about this season? Dandy and his wardrobe.