
Fi always being mad at Michael for one reason or another rings true to me. She's his girlfriend. That's what girlfriends do. At least their fights aren't about why Michael didn't take the trash out within 30 seconds of walking in the door to his own safe house. I don't really read too much 'save Michael's soul

Brazil and 12 Monkeys are 2 of my all-time Top 10. Obviously, Terry Gilliam resides in my Top 5 all-time directors list with room to spare.

I tried to reconcile the erasure of Rory and the picture of Rory for a few days, but finally I settled on a satisfactory (enough) answer. Blah blah crack in time blah blah timey wimey blah blah just roll with it.

Mississippi banned Terry Crews? Terry Crews is awesome!
Now I know everyone's shit is emotional right now, but I got a 3 point plan to fix everything.
#1. We got this guy. Louis CK
#2. He funnier than any man alive.
#3. He's gonna fix everything!

That tiny baby skeleton probably comes in handy for Olympic limbo.

I, don't really, have anything, to add, but, I wanted, to get in, on the funky, comma game.

or his role. Either one.

Oh God, You Bitch!

Dan planting evidence
I had no problem with because that's just how Dan rolls. And he planted a submachine gun in the bushes of a little old gilf's house whose 20 year old neon green Cutlass was stolen because she left the keys in the ignition. Overkill, thy name is Dan Stark.

I wish the BBC would rescind their mandate that every episode has to contain a sci-fi element, or that Moffat would convince them that having a time travelling alien in every episode means that every episode already has a sci-fi element.

I lasted 15 minutes. When the fog rolled into town, and the cop just kind of wandered out into the middle of the street despite all the horn blowing and "LOOK OUT"s only to get saved at the last second by the plucky FBI agent who he just happened to have pulled from a car just before it fell off a cliff 10 minutes

A-? Really?
This wasn't a bad episode, but it certainly isn't an A episode compared to the rest of Doctor Who. I'd call this a perfectly acceptable B.

Want to make $20 the hard way, Vanderwerff?
$1 every time you call Alison Brie 'Sugartits. '
$1 every time you call Joel McHale 'Joel McHottie.'
$1 every time you call Chevy Chase 'Fletch.' Bonus $1 for every time you ask him about a Bill Murray role.
$1 every time you call Gillian Jacobs 'Gilligan.' Bonus $1 for every

I actually would have watched an awards show for once just to see him win. I only clicked on this article specifically to see John Noble's nomination. He's been that good. It's this kind of stupid shit that makes me not give a flying fuck about any of these awards.

This was a terrible episode
The baby food quickfire was even worse than the pie quickfire. What baby wants a liquefied bloody lamb chop or a 4 layer tuna puree? Oh right, Padma's baby is gifted. She has a sophisticated palette for a newborn. Whatever.

Titanic for guys
James Cameron needs to release a Titanic for guys version. Kate Winslet gets naked, the boat sinks, and Leo dies. The End.