
I think every new sitcom should be judged on how "the wacky character" is posed in promo pictures. Jon Daly in "Betas" gets an A. This guy gets an F. The previous F was Josh Gad in whatever the hell that White House show on NBC was.

Did those reunion shows ever leave the UK? It sure seems like that came and went in a flash.

Oh god I hate this movie so much. I swear those sequences of just black and white shots of people's blank faces go on for 15 minutes at a time. It just screams at me THIS IS ART UNDERSTAND THIS IS ART. And then the concert footage is the raddest thing you'll ever see.

They could not be more different.

Andy Daly's show finished its entire first season 6 months ago and has not and will not air a single episode until at least February.

I went bargain binning at Best Buy on Black Friday, and came away with a handful of great things I've yet to see.

In the past 1 years. "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up)".

So this actually did get good? I watched the first couple episodes and was pretty disappointed by it.

I kinda want it to turn out that Holt knows how to deal with Peralta because his husband is goofy in almost the same way.

So what you're saying is he should be Sterling Archer.

Was that Mac DeMarco for a second playing in the band?

And yet he's still the best Baldwin by a mile.

I blame Scott, too. Him being a fan almost makes it worse! He knows the songs, he had to know they would stop any and all momentum dead.

Neko Case almost successfully took charge of a room Scott Aukerman, Tom Lennon, and Rob Huebel were in. She's the best.

guys i don't want to alarm you

Fugazi's "Full Disclosure". Jumps between them at their most irritating and abrasive to the prettiest thing they've ever done. It's gorgeous.

That's a pretty simple one, though. Jamm and presumably Dexhart have always been super friendly to the big businesses of Pawnee, particularly Sweetums. They're dicks to the little guy, and cozy up to the big ones. Leslie tries to side with the public and goes against big business, but big business has the power to

I hear talk of how this young dame's goin' nowhere if she's gonna keep talking like a fella! That's not ladylike!

I'm sure this was discussed last week, but anyone think this has more than a little tie-in to The Stick of Truth, which will hopefully at some point actually come out?