SJ Apollo

I loved their version of Baker Street, and I remember it being hard to find because it was only available on an import of the My Hero single - not exactly an easy thing to find when you lived in a town of 2,000 people, and the only music stores within 60 miles were chain stores like Sam Goody.  When I finally tracked

I loved their version of Baker Street, and I remember it being hard to find because it was only available on an import of the My Hero single - not exactly an easy thing to find when you lived in a town of 2,000 people, and the only music stores within 60 miles were chain stores like Sam Goody.  When I finally tracked

It's hard to believe that it's been 17 years of lazy music critics assuming 1-2 songs on every Foo Fighters album must be about Kurt Cobain.

It's hard to believe that it's been 17 years of lazy music critics assuming 1-2 songs on every Foo Fighters album must be about Kurt Cobain.

I find it odd that they even give a grade to this show.  It's not like Joe Philbin is going to hold more entertaining practices to get a better AV Club grade next week.  It's a show for football fans. While the foul-mouthed fartsmith that is Rex Ryan makes for good TV, I think more fans would rather have a good

I find it odd that they even give a grade to this show.  It's not like Joe Philbin is going to hold more entertaining practices to get a better AV Club grade next week.  It's a show for football fans. While the foul-mouthed fartsmith that is Rex Ryan makes for good TV, I think more fans would rather have a good

@Diatribe, just get their Rearviewmirror greatest hits. They use greatest hits pretty loosely here because some of the songs were never "hits" but were still good songs (Breath, State of Love and Trust, Rear View Mirror). Overall it offers a pretty good glimpse into the band's catalog. If you find yourself liking

@whataworkout, I think sarCCastro nailed the bulk of the violent games that are worthwhile. Check out MadWorld if you haven't already. It's got the over-the-top violence you're looking for in a 3rd-person, behind-the-back, beat 'em up that feels like a Double Dragon or Final Fight type game. It should also be