Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

I haven't noticed the Observer at all this season. Maybe it was just a first season thing, since he intervened at the end of last season.

Yeah, I'll give it a try.

Charlie can always come back as badass Charlie with a scar that Olivia saw for a split second last season.

Small Tears
Before I watched the episode, my brain read the title as tears, like crying. Which still works, although not as well. Gemma only allows herself to cry a tiny bit over what's happened.

I saw you…
…worshiping a meat statue!

Oh! Also saw Mike Mills sitting at the bar at Atkins Park, a place in the highlands in Atlanta. He had his laptop and was checking his fantasy baseball team. Once a few girls heard he was in REM (they had no idea until someone told them..and even then, didn't know who he actually was), they were all over him and

Tract 12: Hate f/ Kanye. The whole hook is all autotuney.

A cage fight between Gordon Sting and WCW Sting. Now that, I'd pay to see. If it was free.

I think it's probably a pretty safe bet that his single "Brand New Day" is on it.

I find it odd that he proclaims autotune to dead, then on a later track with (i think) kanye, the whole hook sounds like it's been really, really autotuned.

Met Michael C. Hall at Rudy's in hell's kitchen, NYC. We noticed him sitting in another booth having a beer with 2 other people, so when they got up to go to the bathroom, I walked over to him and asked if he wanted to join us for a beer.

Yep. Add another person to the "went to UGA and met Stipe" column. It was at Vision Video. He was there with another guy, looking for a video to rent to watch that night. He had a small dog with him on a leash, which I guess is ok to have in a video store if you're Michael Stipe.

I do have Comcast and I will definitely do that. It was revelatory when I discovered the 15 second back button.

There are certain shows that would be absolutely unbearable to watch without the aid of fast forwarding through all the false reveals, cuts to commercial and repeating of footage. Hell's Kitchen is one of those shows.

Yeah, that does deserve a SPOILER alert. Having not read the books, I didn't infer anything like that. Just trying to point out it seems like she'll be a focus next season.

Sookie's Cousin
So, were we supposed to know her cousin was with the Queen? Maybe I forgot something from season 1, but Bill was very nonchalant when he was talking to her.

And that's probably why Tom Savini was in From Dusk Til Dawn. The circle is complete.

Funkadelic headline leading to a giant George Strait photo. What a twist!

Long Lost Siblings
Peter Hooten = Chris Martin?

On the subject of shirts…
While I know it's popular to hate U2 around here, I find it incredibly cool that Willie is wearing an old school U2 t-shirt in that picture.