Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

It beats catching for the Cleveland Indians.

If I don't want to know anything about the movie, I watch the trailer, but I take my contacts out and turn the sound almost all the way down. Since my eyesight is horrible, I can usually only make out blobs of objects and people, but it does make for a nice display of colors.

Hey, before you watch this commercial you WANT to see…how about you sit through this commercial you DON'T want to see.

So, M. Ian Black lives 2 and a half hours away from work? I know they mentioned this in a previous episode…but does he seriously drive to and from work every day? That sounds absolutely horrible.

BYOBBB. The extra B's are for "bloated by bacteria."

Don Pooper
Don looks like he's about to drop a sterling cooper in his pants in that picture.

Cabbage is very forgiving.
At least I learned that even if my cabbage is completely black and rotted, I can peel off a few layers and it's good as new underneath. Yum!

Creatives today
I'm a copywriter, and if you want a more current account of what it's like to work as a creative in an ad agency, I'd recommend the book "Then We Came To The End." Obviously many of the accounts are embellished, but as far as day to day occurrences go, it's pretty typical.

Wall Street: Step Up 2 Da Streets

I used to check out Sports Guy's column, but I just got tired of reading article after article covering the Celtics, Patriots and Red Sox.

El Zilcho, you better be careful…or else Pizza….is gonna send out…for you!

Hip hip hooray!

So does that mean we'll get a song about the recently burned down GA Theatre in Athens on an album 10 years from now?

Hey yo!
Who's slathering what with the what now!?

As the extra from Karate Kid would say…
Put it in a body bag, Changy. Yeah!

I caught my first tube today, sir.

Syke Syke Syke.

Do you call him Brocktoon and keep him encased in a giant glass jar?

Just Want To Say
This was a thoroughly good read. Very well-written and funny. If AV Club decides to have you travel the country trying out for various game shows and blog about it, I'd read the fuck outta that.

Being from Atlanta, I can say that there are both realistic and non-realistic elements of this show. But overall, the actual city of Atlanta is not full of sassy, super southern belles living in antebellum homes. You'd have to go somewhere like Madison, GA for that.