Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

That Blue Dress
Penny is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on a current traditional sitcom. She's just as sunny as she is cute. Kudos seconded.

While Jack was puking, you could hear someone yelling "He's mortal!" as they all ran away.

Do you ever have a day where something completely random and arbitrary gets referenced in separate conversations? It's always weird.

Oh, Billy Ripken. You shall never live that down.

I have to go with Uga VI as well, since he started my freshman year. RIP

The photo was only for new recruits.

First Herschel on Apprentice…
Now UGA getting a shout out thanks to Sawyer's "big, grey sweatshirt" he gave to Hurley. It even looked like the logo they used in the 70s.

Well, it would diminish my chances at the very least.

Andrea Anders
She's been in my Top 5 for a while now. With every new sitcom she's in, I'm glad to see her, but I hope it's not a huge hit. Just enough ratings to keep it on for a while, but not enough for every guy to discover her cuteness.

I figured out why the announcer part weirds me out. I think it's the same VO guy that did that terrible Paradise Hotel show.

Was Matt wearing a classic blazer?

Gah! Wrong thread!

Was Matt wearing a classic blazer?

"After-Coffee Sheldon" did seem to be a bit over the top. Even if you never have caffeine, you wouldn't act like you were coked up. Sheldon doesn't need to turn into the wacky neighbor that's only there for physical comedy.

I would love to see…
…more of Penny's Penny Blossoms.


On the wings of our dreams…
I was so happy to see Mark-Linn Baker, I did the dance of joy.

Bourne, I think you might be setting a record for double posts today. It's quite amazing, really.

My friends and I frequently get drunk and play a little game called "Name That TV Theme," where one of us plays a few seconds of a theme that we've downloaded and everyone has to guess what it is.

Back in college, I'd watch 2G.A.G.A.A.P.P. on USA Network's morning sitcom block they'd run every day. It was a treasure trove of good or fairly forgettable shows. Boston Common. Single Guy. Wings. The Naked Truth.