Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

Andy's Honeymoon Photos
You can now join Ole Nard Dog on his honeymoon travels.

I think they found an Anubis statue in King Tut's tomb…guarding the treasure room. I think some people, like Widmore, would definitely consider the island to be a treasure.

That would be him. He even wrote a book about it.

Herschel For Heisman
As a UGA grad, I had to check this out to see how well Herschel came across. While I'm glad he survived this week, he's just too nice of a guy to make it too far. And I cringed after every football analogy…which was pretty much everything. But just like every other Bulldawg out there, I still love

I vote adorable. For sure.

It seems like Ben knew Locke had to die, but he wanted some info from him first. Once he got the Eloise info, his face lit up and he knew he could then do the deed.


I can't see him…in that role.

Hell, one of his last lines of the episode was that he liked to remain "morally grey." So, yeah. The NBC promo dept just makes shit up.

Clearly I skipped back in time, created that band name, then had it stolen.

Every episode…
I come up with a fake band name based off something from that week.

On the Grammys, I did notice that they didn't even include Leroi Moore from DMB in their People We Lost.

A fine actor….
I wonder if this was the dog he had in Once Upon A Time In Mexico. If so, let's hope Loki is included in this year's Oscars - People We Lost video.

Personally, I think Jacob is Kris Kristofferson.

Well, how 'bout that!
I haven't read through all the comments…yet, but the Sawyer/Jin reunion made me feel downright giddy inside. I absolutely love the reunions on the show. Just to see how happy sawyer was to see Jin was a really cool moment.

Pretty sure you could see him across the street as well. In the reflection when the vendor looked in the mirror to see his face closing up.

Last week's was pretty difficult to see. I like that they're mixing it up with him being very visible in some and not that obvious in others.

The Observer
I think I saw him once across the street, but then again as the newspaper vendor was pushing through the crowd.

Sanjaya Redux…with a twist.
It's almost as if AI is trying to create a Sanjaya-like phenomenon with Tatiana by letting her continue. They know people will gravitate toward her in a "love to hate" kind of way, which only brings more publicity to the show. I think we can all agree that she is batshit crazy with a

A cautionary tale…
The ability to turn every drug you touch into candy sounds like a nightmarish take on the King Midas story.