Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

Evidently he became confused when his producer told him he needed to "lay a beat down."

Awkwardness exists.
Seeing Chris Brown's gum commercial over and over…while knowing he was about to get arrested for beating up Rihanna.

Her name's gonna be Juilia Goulia. That's funny.

"Samantha…blows…a tiny Utah town. In town that night…Sam learns the true meaning of…doing….herself."

Elfman gets a lifetime pass from me for the Batman theme. Pretty epic. As a 16 year old, I used to drive around in my ten year old Honda Civic blasting that…presumably while looking for someone that would actually hang out with me.

And give historically memorable speeches…

And now I'd like to announce my campaign manager…Mista Matthews.

My favorite McGinley scene has to be one of his numerous outrageous tirades in Point Break. He is the epitome of the cliched "head of a police dept. that can't stand the way those two odd couple partners work, but they get things done and that infuriates him even more."

He's the kind of man that's full of piss and olive oil. Because vinegar would be too predictable.

I used to alphabetize mine (divided between movies and TV, of course), but after moving several times, I've really let the organization slack.

I do remember the other brother being on Beverly Hills 90210 back in the day. He played…i shit you not…a struggling magician with AIDS named Johnny Gold.

As a copywriter…
…I can say that I've yet to see any movies or TV shows actually portray working at an ad agency as it really is today. And that's because it's not all wacky and kooky. We don't ride around on scooters, put our feet on our desks and throw "idea balls" at one another while bitching about how our

I've been working on my Hold Steady impression. Whenever my roommate asks me what I did on any given day, i tell him the most inane details in that voice and it pretty much sounds like any Hold Steady song.

What was the Screech sex movie called? I can't remember.

KenHR - I'm in atlanta. But Hootie McBoob is much like Fight Club. Sometimes I wake up to find that more franchises have started in other cities without my knowledge.

Good to hear it, Battletoads. Our other name we sometimes use is ClownPenis.Fart. And around Thanksgiving, we're usually The Master Basters.

I was at trivia the other night…
and a question came up that only I knew the answer to. What a glorious feeling! My presence at trivia was validated! I could help my team (Hootie McBoob) achieve victory.

Yeah, you might have noticed the Magic 8-Ball and known it would somehow advance the plot, but to know that she would drop it and see his shoes would "literally" be improbable.

Pretty sure I've got it now. Phel is actually Rachel Dratch, who is studying for her role as a message board commenter in the upcoming "I Heart Huckabees 2: Huckabee Boogaloo."

And my apologies to you, Phel.