Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

How ironic. I succeed in my first firstie, yet fail with its factual content.

should be one happy commenter. He's been immortalized.

Thanks for the update, Noel.

When, oh when…
Will the Buffy entries re-start?

Yeah. I read about that in Word Up Magazine.

"Too loud" is Back to the Future's equivalent of "You'll shoot your eye out."

Yes, but if we did become unreasonable, it's safe to assume that our discussion would cease to exist here.

Without Reason
I like that when there are no comments, the little black bar up there says "0 Reasonable Discussions Are Occurring." That makes it seem like there are many discussions going on about this topic, but they are all completely unreasonable.

As a UGA alum…
…I'm not really that anxious to see Herschel whore himself out. I mean, I already had to learn that our most legendary player has split personalities, now he has to work on a team with Joan Rivers in order to impress Donald Trump.

Don't you hate pants!?

I'd say Howard easily has the worst wardrobe out of all of them. Leonard at least looks semi-put together most of the time. Although his crotch-scratching disturbed me. I wasn't sure where they were going with that for a second.

It's…it's….a sweater!
I would actually wear that bird sweater.

Top That
Plus, we get an appearance by the Teen Witch herself…Robyn Lively. Although they made her look way more unattractive than she actually is.

If 120 Minutes was still on MTV, I guess they'd be playing the bands that are considered "alternative" now?

So, just to clear it up…Rachel Dratch was the god-loving Baldwin brother in I Heart Huckabees, right?

Kind of book spoiler
In the 2nd Dexter book, masuka throws him a bachelor party that actually does play a role in advancing the overall main storyline. And it does seem like a pretty kickass party.

Finally, a thread where I feel like I belong.

And then you got an ax to the back, after you spent all that time driving up the mountain through the snow. So sad.

Glad I didn't try for a first. I would have been the lettuce in between two fail sandwich buns.

Get that clown outta my face.
His whiskers are all up in my business.