Fuck Mountain

Two outta three ain't bad.

I'd like to see Irina go through Althea. If you catch my drift.

Me too, Jerry. And it's not even close. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for argyle.

Hell yes to Girl Talk. Feed the Animals is all you need. Kelly Clarkson + NIN = 5 more pounds on that bench, bro.

Porn Pundit Pauses Pussy Perusal for… Pynchon Preview? Pfft.

Hey, I think it's a phenomenal moniker irrespective of who thought of it first. Win! And the IMDB summary of the episode of Amazing Stories is terrific:

Are you the same Hell Toupee from the WOXY boards a few years ago?

I like it. But I might use Satanic Verses instead.

I don't know how Evian makes me feel
But I want to enter every fenced area, board meeting, parent-teacher conference and state dinner by rollerskating up a ramp and catching some serious air.

Agreed. I love this one, and think Idiot Heart and Nightingale/December Song are unbelievably good, but I'm not sure anything will touch the title track or Us Ones In Between from SUIAD. Still, I'm always glad to have more Sunset Rubdown to listen to, and would recommend the Introducing Moonface 7" as well.

To continue the derailment: My Maudlin Career is excellent. Been playing it nonstop and telling anyone who will (or won't) listen about it.

I was born for this thread.

On the outside looking in.
I love this album. Seems as though popular opinion on this board will relegate it to guilty pleasure status though.

Drum kit needs a set of bongos
to bump it up to an even thirty.

Did I know (or care) that this existed?

It's true. Almost anyone can be mediocre nowadays.

I believe staircar1 made a Once Upon a Time in the West reference. Kudos, sir.

How does grease hit a skillet? With sexy results?

Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.

I think I speak for everyone, flowbiscuit, when I say,