K. Thrace

I remember getting bored when it wasn't just Ayla hanging out with her horse.

Maybe. Except the Neandertals had cool powers the Cros didn't (of course, that could be a "mysterious other" trope). I also recall that Ayla had a baby with a Neandertal that was part of the "new race" or something. Unless I'm getting my BSG confused with this book I read when I was 12…

He was pretty good at getting Stahma to stop selling that one drug, and he does have Creep Cam on Amanda. He might be kind of ham-fisted at times, but I suspect he can play a deeper game.

Hasidic Jews.

I'm not completely attached to the Monaghan nom, but really, the Emmys could have tried harder for the Best Actress category!

I fell asleep during a performance of Nixon at the Old Vic, but I did see a very good Hamlet rendition while Spacey was artistic director, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

Yes, possibly, though Monaghan was in all 8 episodes. I'm not sure how they break down the categories. I was just thinking that people like Dockery (who is a good actress, just not this season) should be replaced by women who put on better and more difficult performances.

It's funny, I remember thinking Spacey was a good actor after Seven and The Usual Suspects. Now, I kind of think he was punking us…

I disagree, I thought she was stunning and playing a very difficult character. She brought dimensions to someone who was deliberately written as contradictory, self-possessed, and quiet.

I really wanted True Detective in the miniseries category, so that Harrelson and McConaughy could duke it out there, while hopefully Hamm could have a fighting chance against Cranston (although probably still lose to Cranston).

Washington can do better, and hopefully will, using Scandal as a launch pad to a better show. Scandal isn't that bad, really, it's just too melodramatic for my taste.

In my opinion, she should win. There isn't a lot of competition in that category, which surprised me. Where is Elisabeth Moss? Or even Michelle Monaghan? Keri Russell?

Basically, it deserves it every time, even when it is slumping. Still better than almost every other drama out there.

Thanks! I might seriously give the 4th season a try. I just got so frustrated that Falling Skies' writers do not understand why it is such an awesome show. The gobbledygook exposition dumps should be taught in every writing school as "what not to do."

It was gorgeous, but a bit long and 90s-esque. I prefer being able to get right into the show.

I doubt it, too, but it could be very cool to have an Atlantis plot (if done well, and not done anything like the show Stargate Atlantis).

That is very possible, but she seemed fairly busy with lots of other plots at the time. My bet is on the Mayor, just because he needed more hooks into the mob world, and this would be a good way to do that.

Why is it that I love post-apocalyptic shows, but I hate every one in execution (except Defiance, which is growing on me)? Survivors was a British show that hit all the right notes: post-apocalypse, on-the-road, pandemic, etc., but was practically unwatchable due to being boring and melodramatic.

Maybe I do not mash enough. Every black bean burger I've eaten had pieces of bean in it, so I assumed I shouldn't mash too much. That could be the problem.

Delicious in every type of soup. They give off a lovely onion-like smell, without the bitterness that onion sometimes can add to a soup. I have also used the radish greens in soups before, after washing them well and blanching.