K. Thrace

Why is it that quinoa and black bean burgers just never go right for me? I'll try the veggie stock, but it seems like even that won't be enough to save it…they always fall apart on me. What am I doing wrong, oh wise one?!!

We really do need some kind of AV Club Intervention service.

Thanks, Jimmy! I suppose I could do it without the tagine. And the couscous could work if I do small portions of it.

Extra lemon, lime, and fresh cilantro. Also, splash of apple cider vinegar. It wasn't too acidic, even with all of that.

I made that Smitten Kitchen recipe for chana masala that you linked previously—it was delicious! Though I definitely recommend pumping up the amount of acid in the dish.

I've never found Lafayette particularly attractive, but he is far more attractive than Alcide—so, yes.

I wonder what it is exactly about the Ripper that is so intriguing to us, a century and a half later. I have to think it's the letters…the creepiness of someone who is completely aware of what he is doing, and who is enjoying the fame and notoriety it brings him.

Does terrorism count? It is a crime…I was thinking of the TSA and Homeland Security after 9/11.

Ohhhhhh, if I go to Houston sometime I will message you! Good food to be had, I'm sure.

What about the Kenny Rogers chicken episode, where Jerry and Kramer switch apartments?

"Remember when he was the leader of a biker gang of werewolves whose mission statement was to kill humans? Well, that was off-putting."

I'm okay. How are you? I'm waiting for Top Chef to come back, so I can have some reviews to complain about.

These future beings must be really sex-starved.

Oh, do they actually care about that? Nothing in the show so far has convinced me that either of them cares about anything other than themselves.

Though her plot kind of fizzled for me on Justified. But she did a good job with the role.

I was hoping his eulogy would just be people pointing at pictures of his pecs and sighing.

Remember Meloni wearing those golf shirts and looking like the hottest vampire ever? Goddamn it, True Blood!!!

Wait, that's NOT the plot of the show we're watching?

JP, you have excellent taste in eye candy. I never got the appeal of Manganiello while Skarsgard existed in the same universe.