K. Thrace

Sometimes I hate this show. Other times I remember that at least they dropped the werepanther plot.

I started watching Suburgatory because he was on it, but his character seemed totally superfluous. It's a shame, because that show seems like it could be pretty good if they would get a better understanding of their characters and actors.

And hot. You forgot to mention hot!

It isn't a reference to Tudyk in the movie :)

I absolutely agree, but I'm unused to reasonable charges from prosecutors.

Was she experienced? She worked as an intern before, it sounded like to me. Maybe I'm unaware of her other experience. Either way, it doesn't sound like she was in charge of occupational safety at the shoot, nor does it sound like she was told beforehand what they were going to do that day. Once she got there, what

It might be a mistake, but that doesn't erase the culpability of people who are responsible for their negligent and criminal behavior. I might have a bad feeling walking down a dark street at night, but that doesn't mean that if I get murdered, you can't prosecute the murderer.

I can very easily imagine how she thought she was safe when she was not. She was told they were only there for a test shoot. She was told they knew when the trains were coming. She thought that other people, including very famous and well-respected people with more experience, would not put her at risk. She

I believe that they also told the crew that they were there just for test shots…there was a lot of really suspicious behavior by the filmmakers of the movie, and I don't think Jones should have expected that the filmmakers were acting so irresponsibly. I couldn't have imagined such callous behavior if I were working

Agreed, Battlecar, though I am surprised that the prosecutor didn't try to gin up the charges by looking for a felony murder hook.

Your logic is unassailable.

The Iliad discusses greaves over the legs in almost-pornographic description far too often.

There was a Reading Rainbow where Levar gave a tour of TNG backstage, and showed how the special effects were created, etc. It was the greatest episode of all time.

He doesn't have that ineffable charisma that people need to star in a feature-length film.

Worse: it's going to be like the 300. At least Troy is half-watchable.

Homer should have taken his Penelope and struck out that character entirely.

I have a Paris of good ideas for you to try in order to get out of Helen.

Making that tonight. Will update you.

If India can make it work, though, it could advance the democratization of space exploration…IF. Anyway, good to see more countries trying, since the US's interest is waning. If we see more countries doing it, our patriotism might make us stretch ourselves further.

I am legitimately unsure if those things happened in real life or on the show.