K. Thrace

Wow, do you really miss TWOP?

You should be happy! Maybe White Abed will get a cameo appearance.

Eh. Like I said, I share Baxter's reservations about her in Russell's films. She was good, but…Oscar good?

Does this mean S5's asteroid apocalypse is no longer canon?!!

Ughhhhhhh. We have to watch videos now? I hope Todd starts recording vids of him hanging out with his cats at midnight.

Shut up, Gary X! I found your YouTube page, what's the point of reviewing frozen pizza?

Harmon was quoted as saying that he'll do the movie in his basement with puppets if he has to. I suspect he's already started production.

Do you need help reacting to something?

The "she disappears" is kind of a weird touch if she's nearing 40. She doesn't have a job or obligations? She can just "disappear" for a while? And she's not mature enough just to tell her boyfriend, "Hey, we're breaking up," rather than her actually running away. I should withhold judgment until I see the movie,

She was excellent in Winter's Bone, though I share your reservations about her performances in other films.

The characters are so layered!!! I watch each week to see what the characters will do!

Damn, I was hoping for Purgatory.

Possibly he's not in a real big hurry to get to Queens…

I'm not really sure why people need to smoke in public in the age of e-cigarettes, but I'm willing to hear arguments from smokers about it.

I just can't wait for that nice young girl Sookie to get her act together and find herself a handsome vampire to settle down with!

Shhhhhh, we don't mention JJ Abrams here!

Agreed. His last interactions with Sonya were actually compelling and sympathetic. It was almost like he was a completely different person. I hope they bring him back next season, as long as they stick to his more mature character traits.

She has a brain?

We can't help it. We just love the Ford Focus so much.

Interesting note: an unattractive male ass is apparently less offensive than an attractive male ass; attractive female asses are inoffensively fetishized while featuring an unattractive female ass would be considered an offensive scene on TV.