K. Thrace

Wanting to have sex with someone you don't respect is weak, at least to Keira (personally, I love Kellog and find him very attractive, but the lack of respect or understanding between them is not good for Keira's psychology. Wanting to have sex with the new time traveler, by contrast, was empowering for her, because

Angel's last season was by far its best.

I believe at some point, Eric fed Jason his blood because Jason was dying (no memory of why). Jason then had sexual fantasies about Eric, and True Blood justified its existence for one more season.

I am beginning to doubt if we'll ever find out exactly what course of events created the Prime Timeline (the one Kiera and Cigarette Smoking Alec are from in the future).

I also feel like it's Julian, if only because his character has such a "chosen one" arc that it's hard to imagine that it's over so quickly.

When are the Vulcans going to get to the fireworks factory?!!

Well, Kagame says that corporations bail out government, but that doesn't mean that the corporations didn't make it appear that way because they were already embedded deeply in government…to me, the whole thing is about governments and corporations mixing in the military-industrial complex: it starts with prisons,

I liked that touch about Kiera's mom, though I don't know if it 100% harmonizes with her characterization in S1 (I'd have to rewatch to see).

Her only end game for me at this point is to somehow go get her son and bring him back to the present timeline, where she's much more entrenched than she is in her former timeline. How she could ever do that, I don't know…I'm actually surprised Kiera is not more lost. Lucas freaked out, but it seemed like Kiera is

Defiance is definitely improving over time (the beginning of S2 is light-years better than S1). However, Continuum has always been the better show. I wonder why it doesn't get more viewers? Is it the Canadian thing, or the female-lead thing?

I think the existence of Kagame and Carlos help balance a lot of that moral ambiguity out in the first season, though I do wish the show had a moment in the first season where Alec says something like, "Kiera, your fascism is unbelievably scary."

I was frustrated that Kiera ever went along with the Freelancer One-Alec Plan. That struck me as being immoral for Kiera, even if she was angry that Alec created a time paradox.

Eh, I'd imagine it did stop. Keira doesn't really seem like the kind of person who would be that weak that often.

Also, he's incredibly boring and annoying and the show doesn't really need MORE storylines right now.

Canucks could have their own Spoiler Space. Though I think the problem is more that readers would get lost in the schedule shuffle.

Is that in the second ep? I mentioned above that I only watched the pilot. I was more wondering if they were able to contain a nuclear meltdown; and why no one was taking steps at the end of the pilot to save the city from the possibility of a meltdown.

Do not question my Dire Straits knowledge!!!

I only watched the pilot; I thought the show was laughably bad. The women all wear slinky neo-Roman togae, while the men get to be action heroes in army gear. The only good actor was Anthony Head, and his accent completely tanked the rest of his performance.

I didn't mind last week's (the song sounded legitimately like it could be a country song from the future—I liked that. Plus we needed a montage since there had been so much change from the season finale to the second season premiere). But the sex scenes on this show are generally awkward, and I wish they'd do fewer

No, we're not gonna take it.