K. Thrace

It turns out that we pretty much agree entirely on this show! Obviously I love it, but it also irritates me because it is almost great sci-fi. I'm worried it will never quite get there, though.

It is kind of annoying and icky that they killed off two minority female characters in one season, but the show is so good with including minorities that it's a minor quibble.

Once again, we were talking about societal issues and an anti-assault poster on a college campus—not about your kids. I've never once said that people shouldn't be safe. I'm saying that these posters, of which I have seen many, many examples at a variety of colleges, are aimed at women. It's a societal attitude

And, IIRC, I don't think Sookie really slept with anyone before Bill—men's thoughts were too off-putting. Which means she's a woman in her late 20s/early 30s who has only slept with 4 guys. That's not terrible.

I guarantee that your idea is 150% better than whatever mess the writers have planned for the finale of this show.

I am seriously impressed that you remember that entire storyline. I don't think even the writers do.

Can we then visit the Elder Carebear planet for 5 episodes?

You, sir, are a true credit to your species.


I just wish the doctor had delivered her line about 2 seconds before she did. The handie went on for too long, considering what we know about the doctor and her sense of pride and confidence.

I actually saw advertisements for this show! On non-Syfy-owned surfaces! I hope that means Syfy is going to support it for a while. It looked like the budget for this episode was significantly higher than the budget for a lot of last season.

Except Continuum was markedly worse in S3 than in the previous two seasons. Which is a shame, because traditionally sci-fi shows peak around S2 or 3…I am hopeful that the show improves in S4, but the finale episode and the way it wiped the present gives me pause.

Oh, man, I hope they drop that plot forever.

Stahma is from a rich, aristocratic Castithan family that probably murdered a bunch of people to get to their position. I doubt murder is really her fatal flaw—it's probably an advantage, considering how well she does it. Her fatal flaw is being female.

Considering Irisa is, in many ways, the best character on the show, it's a shame that they keep giving her this same stupid arc.

Ugh, Head's accent was so unnecessary! I almost bought the accent for half a scene or two, then he'd start twanging again and I'd cringe.

The mine/doomsday stuff is more like fantasy than sci-fi, IMHO, which is why it seems tonally off. There could be good explanations for Earth's terraforming, but the whole "Chosen One" trope (which River in some ways embodied on Firefly) is pure fantastical drivel.

Nolan's lack of interest in the subject (so far) is a little weird.

I spent the episode wondering how she looked better here than she did 15 years ago on Buffy.

It seemed to me like there might be political problems with sentencing Datak (it didn't sound like they had even had a trial yet…though I could be wrong about that). He mentioned the Voltan Alliance—plus the E-Rep is still firming up its influence in Defiance. There could be good in-show explanations for Datak's