K. Thrace

This is what I don't get. If he can't cook food that tastes good, how could he possibly win? And I just keep thinking of Louis Maldonado from LCK, and how his food apparently would transport Tom to all kinds of amazing taste dimensions…it just seems unbalanced. Not that Louis should have won the season, more that I

I remember Kevin winning a great deal in his season, but maybe I just liked his beard :)

This episode is a good example of how Mad Men is very savvy in its portrayal of gender issues. I get frustrated when people criticize Mad Men for its anti-feminist tones. Mad Men has some of the best female interaction on TV, and, unlike so many series, doesn't assume that women are going to get ahead easily (and

I agree with everything except the statement that she's like this because she married Don. I'd argue that she married Don because she was already broken by her mother. Her mom, though dead the entire series, is a huge presence in the show.

I didn't see the preview, so I saved the shrieking for reading your comment!

I thought it was fairly unrealistic that Tim didn't shoot the dog. Law enforcement doesn't take kindly to pit bulls.

Get a Choose Your Own Adventure book!

But his Glass would get crushed when Joan inevitably and justifiably murders him.

We know.

*Uses Google*

Yes. Wait, I have to find out what Lone Survivor is, first.

Just stop and think about what you wrote for a second.

The remake of 90210 is worse than 9/11.

But there are so many other movies out right now :(

Pete Campbell would totally wear Google Glass.

That won't get past Bob Hope's MPAA censors.

God, WHY?!!

It's times like these that remind me that Tom Clancy totally wrote the blueprint for 9/11.

We will find out that was the real reason when they declassify the documents in 50 years.

Man, how will I ever find a bootleg copy of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit now?!!