K. Thrace

It hurt for me the first time, but I only figured out later that I am allergic to latex. So I don't know if the cause was losing my virginity or latex irritation.

Oh, God, fingering without lubrication—and being a virgin—holy shit, I hope that's not what is going on.

And once again, we all regret that the photo isn't of Dan's hot husband's ass.

My thought, too, E. Though we don't hear her side of it—maybe he's just not doing a good job getting her excited about sex and she's using the "fear of pain" as an excuse to keep from having sex for some other reason (doesn't want the commitment, for example).

That was my first thought, Livingstone. Let's also assume that she's never actually orgasmed before (I don't know this for certain, maybe he's giving her great oral, but I'm kind of doubting it based on the letter). OK, so we have several possible reasons why she seems cold on sex: she could be a non-orgasmed virgin

This particular fetish is more confusing than some, mostly because it's the opposite of how we expect people to act: jealous, territorial, etc. My question is for the person who is doing the cuckolding: how do you find a guy willing to perform the act while the S.O. is watching? You'd have to find that exact right

I'm pretty sure it was your former dinner that Dorian was getting excited about.

I would think a volcano shot would be an Act of God exception.

Unlike "69."

"Let's wait to see if he can keep it up entertaining me every week, or if it's just going to become a boring procedural."

See, one reason I liked Fringe was that it reveled in the awesomeness of new technology and scientific exploration (while showing that new tech is also a burdensome responsibility). I'm hoping this show gets into how awesome tech can be, not just give us the future-as-terrifying-techscape perspective.

I'm thinking not a lot of people saw Fringe season 5, though, so why not steal the design of it for this show? I dug the futuristic elements in the last season of Fringe, so I am happy to see them again.

It knocked true. At the backdoor.

It's like with Terra Nova: it just pisses me off that a show with so much potential could squander everything so badly. Revolution could have been a hit for NBC if it hadn't been afraid to get a little dirty in the first few episodes. ALSO, WHY DO ALL NETWORK GENRE SHOWS HAVE TO PANDER TO CHILDREN?!! Children will

I'll probably still do that, just without following along (unless or until the reviews aren't fun anymore, or if you guys start swearing that it gets better).

I just can't. I'm sorry. I value your opinion, but it's just not possible for me to expend anymore time on that goddamned hair commercial of a show.

I felt the same way about the Pilot the first time I saw it (I actually stopped watching the show as soon as I saw it), but I rewatched it last month and I was surprised at how enjoyable I found it. Partly, I'm sure, it's because now I love the characters so much that I am incapable of disliking anything that

Why can't SHIELD be better? It has all the elements: a few strong actors, good writers, a big budget, a plot conceit that should be strong (police procedural but with superpowers!). I feel like the problem is that they insist on throwing in these boring "mystery" elements that add nothing to the plot and that make

I am only watching S2 if Defiance starts getting better reviews. I kind of feel like I wasted my time on the first season.

I think Continuum is far better than it has any right to be, considering it's saddled with a ho-hum leading actress and a procedural plot device. But it's really enjoyable and the sci-fi elements are done in a creative and fun way.