K. Thrace

Absurd! Maybe you could find some southern-style store that might have some? Also, describe more about Sancocho, please…

Posole tortilla soup last night: chipotle, garlic, habanero peppers, tomatillos roasted together, this created my soup base with salt and pepper; I then made a soup out of carrots, onions, bell peppers, black beans, veggie broth, and—IMPORTANT—hominy. After boiling this down, I topped with cilantro, cheese, avocado,

Serious question: have you tried having a drink before conversing with them? I don't mean get drunk—that can't lead to a good result. But I do find that sometimes communication is easier and more fluid if you are a little relaxed. I know the problem isn't that you aren't fun to talk to—your comments on here are

Maybe honesty is the best policy: ask her if she is available to go on a date sometime. If she says no, smile, be cool about it, and I don't think it will lead to more than a few minutes of weirdness. Whereas if you keep dropping hints, it will just be awkward between you for a while.

I do, too! It's a joke on myself!

Millennia of inbreeding eventually catches up with you.

Instead of flying around in the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane, they'd drive across country in a Subaru with a roof rack.

DYKES is someone who clearly likes internet attention (sex chats, posting anything on Reddit, writing to Savage Love). Is he Sluggo?

It's certainly an area that could use a helping hand.

The failure of the American public education system.

People on this site still argue that the song is not about abortion.

The main impetus for the music industry taking down lyrics sites should be to hide the truth from the public: most lyrics are deeply stupid.

Two has a lot darker elements. Three is just a fun romp, with none of the sadness of two. Which makes sense, really: movies about the future are scary because they are about the unknown. Movies about the past, especially the nostalgia-ridden past portrayed in Back To The Future, are just fun.

Who downvoted a Whedon quote?!! Where are the AV Clubbers of yesteryear?

If a man falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear his existential pleas for help, isn't it still really funny?

*Slams door on Scrawler*

*Makes like a tree and gets out of here.*

How does that make them different from most men?

Let's see Trudy Beekman try to explain Dikachu's nose to the co-op board!!!