K. Thrace

It's okay, Cookie. Say hi to the baby monsters for me.


But is the Thanksgiving episode that good? I don't remember it.

Cookie, you should write reviews of the show for the TI forum or on What's On Tonight.

Can we talk about the finale of that show? Seriously, everyone see the finale to that fucking show. It ends—SPOILER ALERT FOR ALIEN PUPPET SITCOM—with Alf getting kidnapped and experimented on by the US government. Yes, this really happened on the last episode of a sitcom where the main demo was children.

How did you feel about seasons 2 and 3 of Buffy?

It was very disappointing. No cinematic qualities, really, and if it were an episode of the show it would be the worst episode of the show.

Trust me when I say that a lot of adults are incapable of doing it, as well. People with advanced degrees, people who have been had loads of girlfriends before, people who really should have these skills. So, really, don't beat yourself up about it.

Yes, exactly. I am shocked anything aired after the pilot. I can't even imagine it on networks today. But on FX or AMC in 2006 or so? Exactly right (minus the hilariously-90s soundtrack).

Watched the pilot to the short-lived 1997 series Profit (I am writing a short review of the pilot on the Tolerability Index forum). It's on Youtube, if anyone wants to start watching Profit (it was written by Angel co-creator David Greenwalt and has a very Dexter-like feel.

It's because of the TI forum, @drdarke. http://tolerabilityindex.fr… I asked people what we should perv about, and food came up as a suggestion. So then I just waited until an article came up where I could get the first comment in. It would've worked better under The Hunger Games Newswire, but I wasn't fast enough

Oh, so awesome! I wish a hot pot restaurant would open up around here…though honestly, I'd just settle for any decent Chinese restaurant in Colorado. Warn anyone that you go with that hot pot can have a…unique…effect on the intestinal tract. Prepare to spend time in the restroom the next morning.

F: Aaron. Ay Carumba.
M: Scott Conant. He seems good with money.
K: Marc Murphy (he's so picky)

Mads Mikkelsen deserves his own Perv Thread.

I am so proud of your fortitude, Scrawler. I assume you managed to keep your panties from throwing themselves at him.

Yeah, thanks for clarifying the level of my perviness, Scrawler :)

Awesome facts, thanks Evel.

Marcel? I guess if you like a bit of whining in your foreplay.

I just looked up Sam Kass. NICE. Bald chefs are somehow very sexy.

Any love for Fabio of not-Top-Chef-Scallops?