K. Thrace



Amalthea, why would people like the Twilight books, though? I can see enjoying Alaimo's charisma…but there's no charisma in those books. Just joyless abuse.

But why shouldn't Spike and Buffy work? Buffy's problem was that she couldn't connect with the world, couldn't see its beauty or accept the liveliness of it. Spike saw all of that. He had the poetry that she lacked.

I love how charming Alaimo is. It makes the horror all the more stark. Also, if he was just a VILLAIN, then the show would be so simplistic and moralizing. Instead, it's easy to get a sense for how seductive power can be.

He would try to cut the knot, and end up impaling himself on a bat'leth.

I appreciate this advice. I promise that my relationship with A won't be ruined (though it might be a little bruised). I just need to talk to her about it in a calmer way and plan to hang out on a different day than cookie day. This can happen.

It would be like a recovery group…I would go into the aggravation of living with a home brewer, but you already know. And I do not want to Internet Bitch too much.

*Runs back to Heaven, crying.*

Um, yeah, I figured out how much we were spending on beer, going to drink beer, buying beer-making products…sigh. I am blitzed off of one or two drinks, so my personal alcohol budget is relatively small.

Brilliant solution!

I think Upstairs/Downstairs is one of the most period-heavy dramas of all—I'm thinking of Sara the Maid's constant struggles against a class and woman's place (her reading new magazines! hiking up her skirt! etc.). Then, the constant references to the socioeconomic conditions, to the War, to the Roaring 20s…I love

Name a great period drama that avoids doing this. Seriously, I'm wracking my brain and I can't come up with one (which isn't to say that your general thesis is invalid, just that I can't think of a period piece that avoids this trap).

I struggle with this, but: I actually think Pete believes in equality.

Do it and tell us all the details.

There is a reason why it's the second or third fattest state in the fattest nation in the world.

I don't know how to do any of this, even though I'm undeniably the better one with money, mostly because I'm still controlling everyone's finances so I'm the one stressing about it. Two households are so much harder to maintain than one…how do you keep going and not just give up?


The more I think about this, the more I'm realizing that I have issues with this person that might go deeper than FotF, and I REALLY should not be around her until I get over them. Apparently I'm still mad about stuff that happened 10 years ago? I didn't know it until I started typing out the story to you guys.

A is a rule-abider and thinks that I shouldn't have had guys on the dorm floor since I agreed to live in the dorms. A is probably right about that (even though she would never turn me in).