K. Thrace

Sorry, I didn't give backstory: the reason I'm only B's "acquaintance"—not friend—is because she used to turn me in for having sex back when we lived on the same dorm floor (I was on probation for half the year because, basically, I thought it was dumb that we weren't supposed to have guys on our floor. I later

Because you're from Oklahoma and you're a horrid person (they added marshmallows. Don't ask me for more logic, I can give you none).

Yes! Let me know when you do that.


Peggy's pregnancy: no.

Mad Men is a bit of nostalgia porn (it is so much more than that, as well). The first episode is trying to seduce us, the way Don seduces clients, women, and the public that he advertises to. So, yes, we get "Hey! Look at these outfits! Look at how simple people's lives seemed! Look at how unconcerned they are

To the forum!

Once again, gotta say: we should be friends IRL.

Where in this hell dimension do you live, White Power Gandalf? I am sorry.

Aloe Vera.

It was suggested to me that the cause might be a hiatal hernia. We should both figure it out…

I feel the same, Munster. My best comments are about shows that haven't aired for 5 years or more.

You must post it on the TI Forum threads. Seriously, we should do this.

It would have to be done right, but I think it could be awesome. Now I want to take time this weekend writing a good Profit episode 1 review…

See my reply to Emma—basically, sides are great, but unless you're the only one making sides, a lot of sides at Thanksgiving tend to have meat components. I DO make mushroom green bean casserole a lot, though. With real roasted mushrooms, it is delicious.


Yup, this is why I have to make an entree. Last year my sister-in-law promised to make a vegetarian entree and told me to bring veggie stuffing and that's all. She didn't make an entree, everything had meat or lard or gelatin in it (EVERYTHING, including cranberry sauce), and I had iceberg lettuce salad, my

Well, perfect, since women don't need respect.

Which is a shame, because it was a fun multicam for the first few years. Not ever "great," but good zingers and the occasionally clever set-up.

What, you think the guy in the $6000 suit doesn't already know that everyone else is racing to make Arrested Development references?