Pierre E. Trudeau the Sequel

No Gentle Herpes is right. I've seen the version with the orgy scene as well.

I agree completely Lovecraft. Neil Gaiman's Sandman series should have been on this list (and close to the top). How can you not include an award winning series about the Lord of Dreams (Morpheus)? Shame on you AV Club staff!

LMAO…Nicely done staircar1 and santos. Maybe it's just the exhaustion, but I almost keeled over laughing at this one.

Normally Dd I would have responded by saying 'you're the waste flesh not Michaels' but then that would put me on the same level as you. I'm no fan of Bret Michaels, but I think he, like any other human being, deserves some sort of empathy when they are struck down by an ailment, self induced or not.

That was just terrible. You really should be ashamed of yourself. There was not much effort put into that firstie.

I'm sorry, but when Jeong came flying out of that trunk naked, I almost pissed myself laughing. I know the scene doesn't really speak to his comedic talents, but it was a well blocked moment in the movie. Overall the movie was well done, but I agree that the 'Hangover' will be forgotten in a few years. Just like the

We Canadians take a much different approach to America. We act all nice, warm and welcoming while we slowly and quietly assume positions power within the United States. Eventually we will control all forms of entertainment and culture (e.g. we gave you Cameron and you accepted him with open arms). Hell by the time

I agree. I get the feeling that this movie won't have much of an international audience. American flag waving isn't always well received outside of US borders.

I stand corrected. I was not thinking about the print universe. My deepest apologies.

Yeah I hate her too…but I would still fuck her.

I believe that was Emile Blonski (Tim Roth) aka the Abomination that kicked the Hulk in the balls.