
Thanks for running the league again :). I have no idea who to pick, nearly everyone seems terrible.

I agree with everyone that she is somewhat delusional and not liked by the jury, but in this episode i did find her reasoning for what she did this episode not totally awful. She wants Tony to take her to final, but also wants to try to make people not like him, its misguided but she did basically achieve what she

I don't like spencer because i don't think he is playing as good a game
as the edit tries to suggest. Yeah he was always on the bottom so it was
hard to make moves like tony, but basically every move he has been
involved in has been someone coming to him to raise an issue. Kass this
week brought it up, Tony last week

Straight is sexuality, cis refers to gender.

Oh, whoops, haha. My flatmates name is eleanor, so i guess my brain my reverted to what its used to typing.

Ah, cool beans. I look forward to hearing them.

They do? I listened to the episode where you did them just yesterday but clearly already forgot, i swear i worry for my memory sometimes. Although i put him at 1, i'm still making a prediction that Tony goes home next week. Unless Tyler perry finally shows up.

Yay. Now i have something to listen to while i shower.

I was inspired by last weeks Purple Rock's Power Rankings so wanted to do my own (feel free to mock my terrible and biased opinions) This is a mixture of who is in the best position to make it to the end, and who has the best chance to win once there.

what feels like aeons ago the travellers took some buckets o' blood from stefan and eleanor, and still had that blood last episode. Why are they still talking about needed doppleganger blood? Have they used it all, or are is Marcos just referencing that /needed/ the blood to bring him back.

's good at the moment, but gets more tricky towards the end, if no one
thinks she was the instigator of the those votes it will be hard to
convince them any different come the end.

I'm with you, he is nowhere near a list of hot male survivors.

I agree. He didn't give them anything in confessionals that was worth bringing him back for. And being supposedly hot (i dont see it) is not enough for LJ.

Tonight was my favourite episode so far, only because of who got booted. All season i've seen people hype LJ and say he is the clear front runner in both edit and gameplay even though he has been mediocre at best. I just think that people saw a pretty man with a idol and seemed to think that would get him to the end.

He's hot until he takes off his hat… Then less so. To be honest this has not been a good season for male eye candy which has been sad. But i guess it was the year of the boobs instead.

People still target the big dudes as threats after the merge, even though they rarely win challenges. So in a sense it does even out. Women get screwed pre merge and men post.

While looking for the idol though you do need to try to keep an eye on everyone else to make sure no one else got it. Sure morgan looked pretty useless but at least she make it out of the hut.

That was super gross and i swear that's not the first sexist thing he's said. Kass isn't playing dumb because she's a women, its just she is crazy.

I think that someone who is self aware enough to know they are a goat is automatically a worse goat then one that doesn't. you want a dellusional person that thinks they will win.