
It was that thing known as editing. Once we see the idol found watching everyone run round is less interesting.

But unless Kass flips it's basically all for nothing as they are back to a tie next week with kass in the middle again. I agree with the people that said he was right to save it.

Woo's little sleepy morgan doodle made me love him ever more if thats possible.

You are correct.

Does anyone know what would happen if idols cancelled out all the votes? Would they revote again just normally? Not allow the people with cancelled out votes to vote? I now want this to happen just see how they deal with it.

But Candice is at least smart and mouthy, plus her first time out she had the moment of mutiny where people remembered her. Morgan just lay in a hut 22 days. I've always liked candice =/

But would it worth it in exchange for kass and sarah breaking down spectacularly? I'd prefer the crazy (and insight into why she flipped) instead of the suspense.

I think trish is less likely to play the mother card, she seems inherntly less nurturing than Dawn (not in a bad way)

I don't even think it was that she could manipulate but was being honourable, i think she just wasn't savvy enough to do so, plus tony is a touch cookie to manipulate, he never stops talking to let you do anything.

I'd say Trish came out looking the best game play wise. Her move was the only one that worked. Tony and LJ just played a fun game of i'll show you mine if you show me yours.

I don't think production will be able to find 9 people to be her friend after this.

I can see a Trish win somehow, Tony will take her because he thinks he can beat her and in a Trish, Tony Kass three it could be close. Also the three people that hated her most are all gone.

I feel sarah has been the biggest dissapointment for a lot of people this season, about halfway through the episode i told my flatmate who is new to survivor that often the person in the middle gets too annoying and then all just vote them out instead, but then followed it up with "i don't think it will happen

It actually sounds like really hard work and a logistical nightmare, i feel very sorry for those producers running all over.

This was exactly my problem, the show made no effort to make us care about these women, even though they were just as brave and self sacrificing as david and james were. What was even the point of them, other than to have two deaths serve as a dramatic cliffhanger.

Its less that they were killed but that they basically had no other roles but be killed.

I agree. Even though we are all supposed to think of serialization as
the pinnacle of televison, the case of the week stuff was always pretty
fun and help to break up the tragic melodrama, plus now we have half of
the cast who have no real point being on the show anymore.

You know it really bugged me that the two women involved in uncovering the cover up of daniels death get a quick shot to the head like they were just props to be used to shock us a little at how badass Scott Foley has got. It left a real sour taste in my mouth.

I thought he didn't try to throw the challenge actually but i agree that he didn't really want cliff gone, this week. I was more
praising the way he kept things open with Sarah and kept whatever
burgeoning alliance alive, despite clearly not really wanting to get rid
of Cliff.

I agree. I was expecting a total dud after the review. But any episode with blindfolded people falling over barrels and Jeff thinking that girls getting hit in the cotch is the same as their stomach is golden.