
You forgot to break down in tears.

I feel super vindicated in my love for Ciera. I think my favourite thing was that you could see her learning how the whole thing works as time went on. What hurt her i think was spending the first half of the game on the bottom meaning she had less practise of stragety and alliances than everyone else.

Oh my god! Did that get obnoxious! Monica is going to play this game for monica. Who talks like that?

Sadly i got spoiled on the F3 around the merge, a warning to all people to stay away from the comments section on EW. And although i didn't know for sure if the spoiler was true it looked pretty damn likely all the way along. So most of the season was a little ruined for me, even though the whole world was pretty sure

I always thought it was the opposite, they assume no one understands anything so they can say whatever shit they want and the masses will just eat it up as truth.

Time is always kind to Doctor who, i forgot those slightly cringe inducing plot points. Although i think nonsense pseudo-science is part of the show that i kinda love anyway.

Christopher Eccleston's terror when locked in the room with the Dalek is what sold me on them being the scariest thing in the universe, despite seeing nothing of old who.

It was a good move on lauras part though (probably her first one). I would rather face tina than vytas next duel.

Yeah i guess that's plausable. Although they'd have to be stupid to take katie. Half the jury is her old alliance, Katie is no goat.

Monica is not a potential swing vote. She has nowhere to swing to, she is locked down in a final three alliance, with an outside chance she might be 4th. The only place to swing to is the loved ones three. Which would mean being 4th with a chance at final three. She is making the smart(er) move.

I think that Ciera may have just tanked her game, as she had a promise of final three from Hayden and Caleb, but no such promise from tyson. I don't really see why a final three other than gervase, tyson and monic won't happen now and how Ciera would fit in that. So i'm a little sad that her chances have gone down,

Whoo! Join the club. I still think he will find some way to deprive Ciera of any credit she might deserve this week.

I thought she said that too, also i didn't even finally realise it was morphing. I just thought she meant that the relationship had made her time on the island better.

I think that tyson didn't feel she was as switched on to the game until she lobbied for Katie against what he wanted. When she said i'd vote my mum, i think Tyson just saw that as a weaker player rolling over and admiting defeat.

Finallly! I'm so happy that Ciera showed she is a good player at this game, i feel my love all season has been somewhat justified. I know really hope the loved ones realise they have a 4-3 advantage and use it. You can finally break the curse of returning player wins! If that happens i think this season will become

We watched The Day After Tommorow at least a dozen times over the course of my secondary school towards the end of terms. It was like the go to video for the Geography Dept and Bio. And then other teachers would randomly show it also, i have no idea why but i now hate that film even though its pretty inoffensive and

It's always the most gross when you put gone off milk into tea, i had that happen to me on an plane once and didn't really notice my tea had milk chunks floating in it till it was far too late.

He looked super rough on the clips i saw on Youtube. That was depressing to watch. I only just finished rewatching China the other day and he was always one of my favourite winners. He owned that game pretty much from day 1.

Ciera has been more visable than her mum, plus she managed to secure a functioning alliance which Laura never managed to. I'm glad more people are on team ciera.

Balut in China is one of my favourit moments of that season. As soon they saw Denise totally fail to eat it the first time they must have been so happy that they got to force her to do it a second time. It was glorious.