
It was so annoying, nothing she had to offer was of any good to katie. Urgh. It made me realise how terrible it would be to actually play survivor with your mum.

But i still love to watch! :D

Oh yeah me too totally! I can't even bring myself to drink milk from the fridge unless i know exactly how many days its been in there. And if i get served like mystery stew i pretty much need a list of ingregients before i'll eat.

I loved all the flash cuts of two random people talking shown one after another there. While you seen monica sit on the beach and supposedly stare at them all.

Well just to play devils advocate, she was stuck between two sides of her alliance with tina/aras on one side and Tyson/Gerverse on the other. So either way was a betrayal to someone.

I will never understand why she lied throughout the game about being a manager at some food franchise instead of the housewife she said she was. Why did she think that one revelation was ever going to sway anyone?

But i think it's just so much more impressive to play a near perfect game your first time out there. I would rate Kims win miles and miles above Rob. She was masterful.

I think even if they did that it would still leak out in the survivor community. Cause its hard to explain why your going to be dissapearing for 2 months to your other close survivor friends. And since a lot of previous cast members hang out/keep in contact i don't see pre game stuff going away. =/

I always love the gross food eating challenges! They do say a lot about a persons determination and character. Also i found it hilarious when people were just barely holding back the vomit. Or in Tyson's case, literally throwing up everywhere. This is making me sound odd, but where else on tv can you have someone

I thought this, especially this week, until i realised that i think he knew he was going home and just decided to go down in flames whilst trying to unsettle any alliance or create a much drama as he could.

Haha my spotty survivor knowledge strikes again! I still think that crockery smashing everywhere is more dramatic than coins spilling. I still have a few seasons to go and catch up on, but it gets harder to want to watch when you know the winner. I'd rather rewatch a series i loved and know the winner than risk a

I always thought it was just to group together boring boots right after post merge.

Loved when Tina had a go at everyone and they were all like we ALL had an alliance with aras. Haha.

Thanks for the info! :D

If Disney Junior is doing it's job right there should be plenty of oppertunities for sexy betrayals.

This was the only episode of the whole anthology i ever saw when it was one tv here. I forget why i missed the rest. But since you guys are reviewing it i might have to make an effort to catch up.

I love his Commemorative plate room alot.

Isn't the whole point of the NSA/(insert other intelligence service) that they spy on people who havn't done anything wrong? If you're not paranoid in this day and age i don't think you've been paying attention. No one is safe.

"The Gash? you can't start there, the security is top notch. First i have to teach you everything about how to work a snatch"

The good wife IS aces! It's so good to be back to quality after season 4.