
I totally guessed that the anchor would be Dobrev, but it really didn't bother me, ever since we knew there was Dobrev³ it was a given that they were on the lookout for anyway to bring her on screen in modern times.

How was the doctor guy still alive at the end? I mean he lost a shit ton of blood and was still conscious?

Thats because mopeyness isn't really sexy

That's not something that a 13 year old really understands the distinction of though. Being neither rich nor a New York resident.

That's true he has returning player written all him. Although I'd happily see him play again.

The fact she didn't understand the good deal made me happy. People keep saying she's getting a possible winners edit, and i don't get it, she is not good at this game.

Haha, that does seem like it would be the best bet. Plus it has the added bonus that jumping in the fire gets you invited back in like 20 seasons time.

That's true, he did look too cocky.

At the start of the season Jeff made a few comments about Caleb being a 'potential winner' and 'charming and likeable' which i'm sure might be true. But why waste time hyping a player thats going to be the most invisable one out there? =/

Ciera talks a lot. She just doesn't do an awful lot.

Even if thats the case, i think that Tyson will provide the most entertainment all the way. Plus in an alliance of 7 there are still a few ways it could go to keep it interesting.

RI stopped being remotely fun (in my opinion) ever since Brad left. It's been a snooze fest time suck since then.

Whoo! Ciera for the win!.
Although the rest of that four i don't know if Hayden has a good enough edit yet, since he is pretty much in the same boat as Ciera.

Yup, it may have been fairly predictable but the weeks of build up gave it weight (that RI just kills) and plus the merge was busy enough just trying to keep up with all the forming alliances that it was still entertaining.

I really wish that had been the episode title this week.

I never watched Laura M's season (cause yuk russel) but was she this crappy of a player? Or is she just getting a bad edit? No RI player ever gets to come back to a ready alliance and instead of saying thanks and shutting up shes getting paranoid and over strategising. Ciera needs to dump that dead weight on to the

I hope they go back to 2 people. Someone sticking around just because they are not a loser is galling.

Isn't it

I think i loved grace so much because she was a terrible person and just owned it. I want to be that person who just calls bullshit on everyone else.

I used to watch W&G in the mornings before school, so i guess i only have hazy memories of it. But i can't say i ever found it that offensive, =/. Although i think it did reinforce in my mind that gay people were all into theatre and fashion, so that was confusing when that didn't line up with me. To be honest it was