
I thought this was going to be a modern edgy re-imagining of Pride and Prejudice before i read the article.

She never said yes though. Cause ted wouldn't cut robin out of his life.

Thanks for clarifying. :)

I thought it was just like a Chekovs gun situation, i swear that cars been on the stairs for weeks/episodes i've just been waiting for someone to trip over it.

I'm totally willing to just push the time of future ted narrating back a few years. It's not like they knew the end game when they started this thing. I don't really care about giving them a little wiggle room. =/

Slap bet?

I'm with you on the Clint Story (apart from the bits with Ted's mum, cause she is always great).

I really wish they had gone the extra mile and have Lilly's hand get all cut up by the glass but her just keep going regardless. Maybe the gore wouldn't have got past the censors but her rage making her oblivious to the pain would have been an awesome sight gag.

I actually thought it was a little more low key that some of his previous antics and felt more genuine for it. It felt like he didn't need to force it with these grand plans because it was clearly right.

So us seeing Robin tell barney about not having kids was a new scene right? I'm really glad it got resolved either way cause the other day i watched symphony of illumination and i don't really remember her infertility being brought up by anyone again, and it would be stupid (and pretty horrible) to go into marriage

That just makes me sad remembering that Happy Endings is cancelled. =/

Although if your going to pick a season to do it. This would be it. Lots of good looking guys that aren't total idiots.

That will be one awkward conversation with Caleb…

Also it's probably distracting for Tina to try and find someone who will knock up Katie.

That comment was icky. And not in a good way :(

Then he can give £100 to every random skank that wonders into his yoga place. Yay!

I feel like kat is gonna hold a grudge against Laura M for cheating. Haha

It gets cold on Redemtion Island. Gotta keep warm ;)

I went to watch it on youtube just now, it was impressive. It must have been fairly rehearsed.

Yeah i really don't see Tysons Schemes working out well. And even if he doesn't get voted out because of them, it all seems a little pointless.