
It's depressing that Laura B got some airtime tonight and most of it was spent talking about her husband. Probst wishes he was there so bad.

He was a little obnoxious tonight, also the whole stealing food thing just seems like a bomb waiting to go off.

Also i think it would be pretty awkard to stop someone on the way to tribal and be all "So Vytas… Thats a cool name.. How do ya spell that one… ;D"

Oh yeah, it was clinical. It wasn't personal and petty. Just clean.

Yeah i started to judge Kat, then tried to imagine how i'd spell it just having heard it, Veatus? Vetas? Vetus?. The correct spelling would be down the list.

Tina trusts Monica waaay more than she does Kat, Monica is the more stable player, she doesn't have a loved one in the game anymore and is a similar age to tina. TIna gained a person that now trusts her totally and are in it togethr.

*** Random Thoughts ***

I feel she could do better than Shield =/. Has that show got any better since the pilot?

Sure the highlights of the series were the 1-3, but this final season is a pretty awesome swan song, with a myriad of callbacks (i mean reshooting scenes from the pilot with new characters is a nice touch) and the same inventivness with the format that HIMYM is known for. I'm enjoying their victory lap and will be

Maybe all the heart attacks he had in Gilmore Girls? Thats all i can think of…

Marshall needs to get the wedding soon. I'm bored of the car, although i am enjoying sherri shephard, how does she end up at the wedding/is she going to?

Colbie Smulders just gets better and better. Why isn't she in any movies?

I loved the music of the opening chase, and that it got repeated throughout the episode. Well actually i loved the whole thing.

I was happy admiring the view. He is a fine looking junkie.

Does anyone know how Aras has kept his hair so amazing looking? It looked glorious when they were sitting at the top of the slide, I want hair that looks that good after ten days of no washing.

He's not the best survivor player… Although theres not much to be done with it now, no returning player can really keep the clue after last weeks burning. It's just more trouble than is worth.

I always think i'm going to like candice and she seems good on paper, then she opens her mouth or makes terrible decisions. A RI streak was actually her best bet in going furthest in this game, plus its always cool to have a strong women dominate challenges just to remind Jeff they dont all suck.

Haha, unintentional unfortunately. =/

I can belive that it would be the earliest. Also if they were ever going to do it, it would be this year to preserve as much family memebr conflict as possible.

The sadest thing is that she has been doing pretty well in the challenges and it seems around camp. she is not one of the worst survivors ever by far. Jeff was being a dick.